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5 juin 2019

Facing the Facebook

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Michael J. Bugeja[Edit][Delete]: Facing the Facebook, Chronicle of Higher Education [Edit][Delete] January 24, 2006

Another anti-technology screed from the Chronicle (do they ever get tired of running these?) this time contra the Facebook, a social network with membership restricted to U.S. college students. To follow this article, everything bad happening on campus - from disengaged students to rising costs to homophobia to media manipulation - is caused by Facebook. The argument is as ridiculous as it is invalid (but shedding the principles of reason seems to be no obstacle to the professoriate these days, a phenomenon that puzzles me by its pervasiveness). Why do I think the author's "ethical concerns" (his words) are misplaced here? Perhaps it's because I obtained my degrees mostly by skipping class and learning how to think and to write at a student newspaper. More...

5 juin 2019

Facebook Bankruptcy

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Facebook Bankruptcy
We are seeing the pushback from people who joined Facebook without anticipating what happens when all their friends can send stuff to them all the time. The problem isn't Facebook so much as all those apps that prompt users to 'send this to ten of your friends' (one - the sticky notes - was so aggressive it pre-selected ten friends and prompted me to invite them before I had even finished installing it on my own account). This will backfire. But before it does, it's giving us all some really good object lessons on how to build the real (that is, the open and distributed) social network that will eventually replace Facebook. More...
5 juin 2019

How to Develop a Hit Facebook App: 29 Essential Tools and Tutorials

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How to Develop a Hit Facebook App: 29 Essential Tools and Tutorials
I'm hoping the Facebook fad will have come and gone before I get around to writing apps for it (so I won't have to - I do not relish the idea of writing custom code for each hit application as it gets popular). If not: this is where I'll be looking. More...
5 juin 2019

Web 2.0 Inefficiency: Crossposting On Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader, Etc.

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Web 2.0 Inefficiency: Crossposting On Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader, Etc.
Now people are talking about Pownce. I have an invitation somewhere, but frankly, I am not interested. Oh, I know, it combines the functionality of twitter with the file sharing. But: "Web 2.0 derides the siloed balkanization of traditional media - yet Web 2.0 doesn't have the wherewithal to figure out that I've now seen the same feed item for the fourteenth time in four different platforms. APIs are great, and Facebook Platform is great, and RSS feeds are great, but the interoperability still seems to be very superficial, more intended to demonstrate the ability to connect rather than to actually enhance the user experience." I'm getting frustrated - all this talk, but vendors still seem to be much more about lock-in than anything else. More...
5 juin 2019

Flickr and the Library Pictures

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Lorcan Dempsey[Edit][Delete]: Flickr and the Library Pictures, January 11, 2006

Interesting item on a collaboration between Flickr and Library Australia which allows people to upload images to the Picture Australia service through Flickr. The tag-line is what's intriguing: "Putting the library in the user environment, rather than expecting the user to be in the library environment. Creating structures for user contribution. Presenting a library service through emerging web and social tools." Yeah. More...

5 juin 2019

Blackboard by the Numbers

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Michael Feldstein[Edit][Delete]: Blackboard by the Numbers, E-Literate [Edit][Delete] January 13, 2006

Michael Feldstein analyzes Jim Farmer's study. "OK. So. Blackboard pays a quarter of a million for a new customer. That's adds up to be more than 30% of the total amount of money that they bring in. How, exactly, do they stay in business? How do they grow?... Blackboard needs to acquire 185 new customers every year to hold steady, 371 to get 5% growth, and so on, up to 742 new customers needed to grow at 15%. How many new customers a year has Blackboard been getting? 152. More...

2 juin 2019

Bpifrance Création - Faire son business plan

Bpifrance CréationFaire son business plan (ou plan d'affaires) consiste à rédiger un dossier solide de présentation du projet de création d'entreprise. C'est la première concrétisation de votre projet. Plus...

1 juin 2019

Bpifrance Création - Le business model, est-ce vraiment utile ?

Bpifrance CréationVous connaissez les contextes et tendances de votre marché par la réalisation de votre étude de marché ? C'est le moment de vous pencher sur votre businessmodel ! il vous sera utile pour définir la valeur que votre entreprise va créer ainsi que la stratégie générale à adopter : votre offre, vos cibles clients, la manière de les toucher, la génération des revenus, etc. Plus...

1 juin 2019

Bpifrance Création - Je développe - Un business model, mais pour quoi faire ?

Bpifrance CréationLorsque vous créez une entreprise, vos proches ne manquent jamais de vous poser ce type de question : "Qu’est-ce qui te fait penser que ton projet va marcher ?".
Pour une réponse détaillée, il vous revient de préciser :

  • qui seront vos clients,
  • quels seront les atouts de votre offre au regard de leurs attentes,
  • quels seront les moyens à engager pour construire cette offre, pour atteindre et satisfaire vos clients mieux que ne le font vos concurrents,
  • et bien  sûr, comment toute cette activité va générer des revenus.

C'est à partir des réponses apportées à ces questions que se construit le business model.
Tout comme le business plan, le business model est itératif, évolutif et modulable pour vous adapter entièrement à l’évolution de votre marché et/ou de votre stratégie.
Le business model est le cœur de votre business plan, il est plus proche du concept que de la prévision. Le business plan est quant à lui une déclinaison opérationnelle et chiffrée de votre business model. Plus...

31 mai 2019

Bpifrance Création - Je prépare ma reprise - Comment bâtir le business plan de reprise d'entreprise ?

Bpifrance CréationLe business plan de reprise d'entreprise, s'il peut paraître « scolaire », est cependant un document indispensable car il vous permet de poser noir sur blanc votre stratégie et vos objectifs, vous oblige à synthétiser l'information, et enfin et surtout, il vous oblige à vérifier que votre projet de reprise d'entreprise est réaliste et donc viable financièrement.
Et puis, sans business plan de reprise d'entreprise, point de financement
. Plus...

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