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16 novembre 2018

EaZy RSS reader

EaZy RSS reader
An RSS reader for Microsoft Excel. Now, if we can feed RSS into Excel, we can use the same sort of technique in order to feed learning objects into Excel. More...

16 novembre 2018

EC Mulls MS DRM Monopoly Trawl

EC Mulls MS DRM Monopoly Trawl
It's about time somebody looked into this. According to this short article, the European Community is looking at the monopoly inplications of Microsoft's and Time Warner's ownership of ContentGuard, the backer of the XrML digital rights language that has since been adopeted by MPEG as MPEG-REL. More...

15 novembre 2018

First Look at MSN Blogs

First Look at MSN Blogs
Robert Scoble, of Microsoft fame, offers readers a glimpse at his still empty blog (in Japanese) at what is being called 'MSN Spaces' and has it taken apart line by line in this critical article. More...

10 novembre 2018

Retour sur le business, les partenariats et les récompenses du congrès HLM 2018

Le congrès HLM 2018, ce sont des grandes déclarations (voir nos articles ci-dessous des 9, 10 et 11 octobre), mais ce sont aussi des signatures de partenariat, des engagements, des récompenses… et du business. Plus...

9 novembre 2018

BSA Explains its Ethos

BSA Explains its Ethos
Referring to Business Software Alliance studies that routinely inflate the cost of file sharing, the BSA VP Bob Kruger argues, "I haven't seen where anyone's pointed out anything about the methodology they disagree with." This despite numerous published complaints about exactly that point. More...

9 novembre 2018

Patchworking - Showing Off Your Assets

Patchworking - Showing Off Your Assets
This is pretty interesting. The author adapts the concept of 'patching' - a business process where an organization is broken into loosley associated pieces or 'patches' - and applies it to individual learners to create a 'portfolio' of assets. More...

9 novembre 2018

Apple Threatens RealNetworks

Apple Threatens RealNetworks
Without being overly cynical, without suggesting that a certain company's politics wave with the wind, let me respectfully not respond to Apple's protestations against RealMedia. And in that positive spirit - because I do support what RealMedia has done - let me offer something constructive, something useful. More...

9 novembre 2018

MSN NewsBot

MSN NewsBot
Microsoft has launched a beta version of what it calls NewsBot - essentially a clone of Google News (and another recommender style news service, but I forget the name of it off the top of ny head). The The UK version has been around since last year some time. More...

7 novembre 2018

The Moodle/Blackboard Breakup: The Long and the Short of It

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . One piece of news we never circled back to after the crush of LMS conference season updates was the ending of the Blackboard's membership in the Moodle Partner program. To recap, Moodle Pty., the company that runs Moodle development and owns the Moodle trademark, suddenly announced right around BbWorld that it was ending Blackboard's membership in the Moodle Partner program. More...

6 novembre 2018

Philander Smith College migrates to Jenzabar One Cloud Services in just two weeks

University Business Magazine logoJenzabar, a leading technology innovator in higher education serving the new student, today announced that long-time customer Philander Smith College successfully migrated its Jenzabar One software suite from an on-premise system to Jenzabar Cloud Services in just two weeks. More...

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