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28 avril 2015

Uni-Bibliotheken dürfen alle Bücher digital anbieten

SPIEGEL ONLINEDie Literatursuche für Studenten wird einfacher: Uni-Bibliotheken dürfen Lehr- und Fachbücher einscannen und zum Download und Ausdruck zugänglich machen. Das entschied nun der Bundesgerichtshof. Mehr...

28 avril 2015

BIU Santé en danger

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. La COMUE Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (SPC), présidée par Jean-Yves Mérindol, est structurellement loin des réalités de terrain. Elle ne peut donc pas voir qu’un grave conflit couve en son sein, alertant le monde entier sur la crise financière de la Bibliothèque Internationale Universitaire, jusqu’ici reconnue d’excellence dans les Sciences de la Santé. Suite...

27 avril 2015

Books, Online Barbara Fister. So much of the contemporary academic library collection is digital – but most of these digital texts look like journals and books as they were published before the Internet existed, with some exceptions. Quite a few of the books in digital packages lack images because rights weren’t secured covering electronic editions and, I guess, vendors hoped nobody would notice. (They have.) This is just one of the reasons why I’ve been skeptical of subscribing to ebook packages. Read more...

27 avril 2015

We Gather Together Barbara Fister. Not long ago, when returning from a conference, the driver of the shuttle I was taking from the airport asked me whether I’d been on vacation. When I told her I was returning from a library conference, she was astonished. “Librarians have conferences?” I don’t always think on my feet, so I never found out why she found that so surprising. Read more...

27 avril 2015

It Takes a University to Build a Library

HomeBy Dane Ward. What happens to academic libraries as they slide sideways into a new world of superabundant information? What happens to their colleges and universities?
The process of change is not easy. Inside Higher Ed has described recent campus conflicts regarding the future of academic libraries. Carl Straumsheim ("Clash in the Stacks") reported that several library directors at liberal arts institutions have lost their jobs. However, tensions about changing libraries are not restricted to one type of institution. Read more...

27 avril 2015

An Early Look At BRODY: Steelcase’s new personal study pod

By Brian Mathews. Study carrels have not evolved much. Most libraries have focused on collaborative environments, modular furniture, technology integration, and soft flexible seating.  But sometimes people want to hide. They come to the library to focus. Quiet Space: that rare precious commodity that’s increasingly harder to find on campus. Or anywhere. More...

27 avril 2015

Your Assignment: Host A Campus Wide Event (libraries and active learning)

By Brian Mathews. As a follow-up to my post last week about our seven classrooms, I wanted to quickly share an example of how we are impacting teaching and learning. More...

12 avril 2015

Think Like A Startup: 3 Years Later

By Brian Mathews. While the paper is directed at library leaders, it was meant to help others as well. I’ve encountered many librarians and staff who “want to try new things” but are stifled by bosses who just want to maintain the status quo. I use to tell people to “just do it” – but this essay was an attempt to provide a little more structure. More...

12 avril 2015

7 Classrooms: library as pedagogical incubator

By Brian Mathews. Shortly after that we introduced a Multipurpose Room. While this technically is not a classroom, we do use it occasionally to host large class sessions as well as course project showcases, guest lectures, and related events that support the learning enterprise. More...

7 avril 2015

BNUS. Métamorphoses

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Métamorphoses : un bâtiment, des collections, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire (Strasbourg), exposition (11 avril – 20 septembre 2015). Cette exposition permettra-t-elle de répondre à la question posée le 5 mars 2015 : Sphinx ou Sphinge au fronton de la BNU. Suite...

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