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21 février 2020

Accessibility testing with Blackboard Ally

Accessibility testing with Blackboard Ally
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Accessibility testing with Blackboard Ally Clint Lalonde, EdTech Factotum, 2019/04/09Clint Lalonde reports on "system wide testing of an accessibility product called Ally with 5 institutions: UBC, VCC, NIC, Langara College...
21 février 2020

A Legal Challenge for Inclusive Access

A Legal Challenge for Inclusive Access
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A Legal Challenge for Inclusive Access Lindsay McKenzie, Inside Higher Ed, 2020/01/28This lawsuit probably doesn't have much of a chance, but it does reflect the sad state of affairs that exists when students, under...
20 février 2020

Standards for Writing Accessibly

Standards for Writing Accessibly
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Standards for Writing Accessibly Michael J. Metts, Andy Welfle, A List Apart, 2020/01/23It's useful to keep these principles in mind when writing and designing text on web pages. Some things that resonated with me: "it’s...
20 février 2020

Welcome to the CDS Accessibility Handbook

Welcome to the CDS Accessibility Handbook
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Welcome to the CDS Accessibility Handbook Canadian Digital Service, 2020/01/16This is a page from the Canadian Digital Services, the department that is building out our government's internet services. This particular...
29 janvier 2020

A Legal Challenge for Inclusive Access

A Legal Challenge for Inclusive Access
By Lindsay McKenzie. Big textbook publishers and retailers are accused of squashing competition from independent college bookstores. More...
26 janvier 2020

Favoriser l’accès à la formation en faisant du sur-mesure

Favoriser l’accès à la formation en faisant du sur-mesure
En mai 2019, l’Agefiph Nouvelle Aquitaine, le Conseil Régional et le Centre Ressource Formation Handicap (CRFH) rencontraient les acteurs de l’insertion et la formation pour lancer la Ressource Handicap Formation sur notre région, ou plutôt les ressources....
26 janvier 2020

L'accès aux services publics dans les Outre-mer au programme de la prochaine séance plénière

L'accès aux services publics dans les Outre-mer au programme de la prochaine séance plénière
Garantir l’accès aux services publics dans les Outremer est essentiel car celui-ci conditionne l’égalité et l’effectivité des droits, ainsi que l’intégration sociale et économique des populations. Il en va de l’adhésion des citoyennes et des citoyens...
21 janvier 2020

WAHED event shows how unis can widen access

WAHED event shows how unis can widen access
By Kerrie Kennedy . To mark World Access to Higher Education Day on November 26, the Association of Commonwealth Universities partnered with King’s College London on a one-day conference to showcase how universities are working to widen access to higher...
17 janvier 2020

Some Good News on Access

Some Good News on Access
One of my favourite reports released last winter was a little gem, written by a team of Ontario researchers and published by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO), entitled High School Success and Access to Postsecondary Education. It...
13 janvier 2020

Poll on Higher Education's Affordability and Accessibility

Poll on Higher Education's Affordability and Accessibility
By Paul Fain. Most adults in the U.S. (60 percent) say education beyond high school is available to anyone in the country who needs it, according to newly released results of a Gallup poll. That finding is similar to what Gallup found in 2015, the last...
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