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3 novembre 2018

Universities must look at local employment markets when building their graduates’ skills

The ConversationStudents are often reminded that a degree is “not enough”, and that they will also need “employability skills” – a complex combination of personal attributes, discipline-specific knowledge and generic talents – to succeed after university. More...

3 novembre 2018

University isn’t the be all and end all when it comes to employment outcomes

The ConversationThe underlying assumption is that employment rates are a direct outcome of how well students are taught in higher education. There is a wider acceptance that workers with graduate qualifications are a distinct group of “better educated” people, whose “advanced skills” should convey higher wages in the labour market. More...

3 novembre 2018

How students use social media to choose their university

The ConversationPreviously, prospective students relied heavily on official university guides and rankings, but 83% of students now also use social media channels to help them make their university choices. More...

3 novembre 2018

Creativity can be the bridge between science and humanities education

The ConversationIn his famous Rede Lecture of 1959, chemist and novelist C P Snow spoke of the separation of science and the humanities, and the lack of respect and understanding that often exists between the fields. More...

3 novembre 2018

Academic freedom: I spent four months at UAE’s national university – this is what I found

The ConversationThe case of the Durham PhD student, Matthew Hedges – who has been arrested and placed in solitary confinement on the charge of spying – exposes the extreme limits on academic freedom in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). But Hedges’s plight, while outrageous, is not altogether shocking for seasoned observers of the oil-rich Gulf monarchy. More...

3 novembre 2018

Anak yang punya ponsel kemungkinan besar terlibat dalam bullying. Berikut tips pencegahannya

The ConversationSetiap tahun, jumlah orang tua yang memberikan telepon seluler kepada anaknya yang berada di bangku Sekolah Dasar (SD) tiap tahun bertambah. Lebih...

3 novembre 2018

Evolusi konsep pengajaran menjadi pendidikan di Indonesia

The ConversationSepuluh tahun lalu, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi dan Kejaksaan Agung membuat program Kantin Kejujuran dengan mendirikan 1.000 kantin di sekolah negeri untuk melatih pembentukan karakter dan antikorupsi di kalangan siswa. Uji coba ini berakhir sebagai kisah kegagalan. Lebih...

3 novembre 2018

Bagaimana tanggal lahir mempengaruhi prestasi di sekolah dan karir Anda

The ConversationLahir pada bulan Desember, Januari, Agustus atau September memberi dampak yang signifikan dan berkelanjutan pada kehidupan Anda. Penelitian baru kami menunjukkan bulan ulang tahun dapat berpengaruh dalam membentuk kepribadian. Secara khusus, kami menemukan bahwa kepercayaan diri orang dapat berbeda secara signifikan karena bulan kelahiran mereka yang berbeda. Lebih...

3 novembre 2018

Trusting states to do right by special education students is a mistake

The ConversationOn Sept. 20, the U.S. Department of Education released a new framework to “rethink” how the department oversees special education services for students with disabilities. More...

3 novembre 2018

What Chinese students want from UK universities – new research

The ConversationWhile researching why Chinese students come to Europe for higher education, we encountered some tired and stereotypical views in our ethnographic conversations. Among some academic and administrative staff in UK universities, a few of the most common were contradictory: Chinese students are rich, they don’t care about studying and only want to party; they’re extremely academic and don’t want to spend time on other pursuits. More...

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