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24 juillet 2018

Watermark Adds Digital Measures to Network

HomeBy Doug Lederman. Watermark, the assessment company that arose from the merger last year of Taskstream, TK20 and LiveText, has agreed to fold Digital Measures (and its faculty reporting tool Activity Insight) into its business. More...

24 juillet 2018

A More Nuanced View of Law on Campus Speech

HomeBy Doug LedermanRaise your hand if you or one of your colleagues has expressed the view in the last year or two that "this generation of college and university students, and many of their professors, don’t understand freedom of speech"? (Yes, mine is up.) More...

24 juillet 2018

2U to Acquire Digital Annotation Platform CritiqueIt

HomeBy Doug Lederman. 2U is continuing its expansion, agreeing today to purchase CritiqueIt, whose platform enables real-time annotation of documents, images and other digital content by faculty members and students. More...

24 juillet 2018

Southern Accreditor Places 4 Institutions on Probation

HomeBy Doug Lederman. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges this month placed four colleges and universities on probation. More...

24 juillet 2018

U.S. Plans Competition on 'Reimagining' Higher Edx

HomeBy Doug Lederman. The office has announced a competition called Reimagining the Higher Education Ecosystem, which encourages teams to submit "bold ideas for how our postsecondary education system could be reimagined to foster equity and encourage learner agency and resilience." Submissions are encouraged in three areas: curating lifelong learning pathways, creating a marketplace for student learning and leveraging emerging technology. More...

24 juillet 2018

Online Options Give Adults Access, but Outcomes Lag

HomeBy Doug Lederman. Using newly available federal and state-by-state data, an analyst explores states' embrace of fully online learning and whether it drives adult students' access and success. More...

24 juillet 2018

Employment and Debt of 2008 College Graduates

HomeBy Doug Lederman. Four of every five students who earned bachelor's degrees in the teeth of the Great Recession were employed and/or still enrolled in postsecondary education four years later, a new federal study shows. The study, from the Education Department's National Center for Education Statistics, examines how students who graduated college in 2007-08 and were tracked in the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study were faring in 2012. More...

24 juillet 2018

University of Chicago Drops SAT/ACT Requirement

HomeBy Doug Lederman. Hundreds of colleges -- including elite liberal arts colleges -- have stopped requiring the SAT or ACT. But Chicago's move is the first by one of the very top research universities in the country. And the move is striking coming from an institution, known for its academic rigor, that has had no difficulty attracting top applicants. More...

24 juillet 2018

Le Programme Régional d'Apprentissage Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 2018-2019 est disponible en ligne

carif espace-compétencesLe Programme Régional d'Apprentissage 2018-2019 de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur est disponible en ligne.
Il recense les formations en apprentissage financées par le Conseil régional.
Ce catalogue est pour l'instant disponible en ligne sur le site

A noter : le Conseil régional vient de mettre en oeuvre un nouveau dispositif, la « classe préparatoire à l'apprentissage » qui permet aux collégiens, lycéens, demandeurs d'emploi ou jeunes en mission locale, de découvrir plusieurs métiers et d'approfondir leurs choix.
Ce dispositif est explicité sur une page dédiée du site qui en présente les grandes lignes, des fiches détaillées selon les publics ainsi qu’une cartographie des différents Centres de Formation d’Apprentis (CFA) qui y prennent part.

Découvrez toutes les possibilités de vous informer grâce au CARIF Espace Compétences !

24 juillet 2018

Dépenses Efop 2015

Orientation Pays de la Loire5 milliards : c'est la dépense annuelle en Pays de la Loire pour l’emploi, la formation et l’orientation professionnelle. Plus...

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