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11 juillet 2018

FaceBook As A Temporary Social Sandpit

FaceBook As A Temporary Social Sandpit
Graham Wegner, openeducator, January 3, 2014
I've been reading Facebook more and more as many of my friends and family become connected. But I've become increasingly frustrated by the stream, which instead of sending me actual posts from them, has been increasingly sending useless posts from Huffington Post, Upworthy, Forbes, LifeHacker, and other publications I assume to be premium content partners. More...

11 juillet 2018

You Own Your Learning

You Own Your Learning

The restaurant metaphor used by Dennis Callahan reminds me of the graphic I made last month to illustrate the difference between formal learning, xMOOCs and cMOOCs. More...

11 juillet 2018

Searching the Internet for evidence of time travelers

Searching the Internet for evidence of time travelers
Robert J Nemiroff, Teresa Wilson, Cornel University Library, January 3, 2014

This is a nice example of netnography (see other link, below) which employs methods that would not exist without the internet, seeking behaviours that require the internet. More...

11 juillet 2018

Signs of Surrender in Public Higher Ed

Signs of Surrender in Public Higher Ed
John Warner, Inside Higher Ed, January 2, 2014
I write today in Half an Hour responding to a story in Inside Higher Ed called Signs of Surrender in Public Higher Ed. John Warner uses as a metaphor the 'surrender' of the press, as follows: "The rationale for Time’s move is that the magazine can now “explore new revenue opportunities,” which is code for the “native advertising” practices utilized at websites like Buzzfeed – which substitutes memes for news - and Politico - which makes no apologies for the fact that its Chief White House Correspondent engages in de facto influence peddling, as amply demonstrated by Erik Wemple at the Washington Post." Fair enough. More...

11 juillet 2018

Can Pearson Solve the Rubric’s Cube?

Can Pearson Solve the Rubric’s Cube?
Michael Feldstein, e-Literate, January 2, 2014
Longish (7,000 words) post on Pearson Publishing's Pearson’s "startling publication" The Incomplete Guide to Delivering Learning Outcomes and their new efficacy web site. There's a lot to cover. First, Pearson has a history, and public impressions of Pearson are not good. So people have doubts when Pearson writes about the efficacy of online learning (despite the nice dovetail with Tony Bates's recent work). More...

11 juillet 2018

In 2013, eBook Sales Collapsed... in My Household

In 2013, eBook Sales Collapsed... in My Household
Eric Hellman, Go To Hellman, January 2, 2014
Interesting. Eric Hellman observes, "Internationally, ebook sales growth was strong. Print continued its slow decline. Bookstores continued to close. But for some reason, ebook sales in the US stopped increasing. And even started declining!" I have my own suspicions as to the reasons, of course (ranging from pricing to the text-based format). More...

11 juillet 2018

Lessons From the CEO Of The First Ever MOOC

Lessons From the CEO Of The First Ever MOOC
Peter High, Forbes, January 1, 2014
ALISON continues its ongoing campaign to claim credit for inventing the MOOC. What the company offers, of course, are online self-paced courses, and these were available long before ALISON ever came along. But online self-paced courses are not MOOCs, and never were MOOCs. More...

11 juillet 2018

Screencasting for educators

Screencasting for educators
Kathy Schrock, Kathy's Klatch, January 1, 2014
'Screencasting' is the practice of recording screen events to video. You might for example record a PowerPoint presentation, demonstrate an application, or record an online video conference. This is a nice post introducing screencasting for educators. More...

11 juillet 2018

Learning Analytics: Readiness and Rewards

Learning Analytics: Readiness and Rewards
Norm Friesen, Canadian Journal of Learning, Technology, January 1, 2014
Norm Friesen examines learning analytics "by looking at two main levels at which learning analytics can be or has been implemented in educational organizations." He advises that institutions adopt an incremental approach (which is kind of like advising that people get some sleep every day or that babies should be fed milk). More...

11 juillet 2018

Plurality of Diversity

Plurality of Diversity
Miguel Guhlin, Around the, January 1, 2014
According to Chris Moersch, writes Guhlin, "blending technology into curriculum typically fails because technology - the spice - is left out of the cooking process, as this article on the What Didn't Happen in Edtech in 2013 highlights." More...

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