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28 novembre 2017

Dr. Chuck on Inclusive Programming, Online Instructor Involvement and Coursera’s Paywall

Dr. Chuck on Inclusive Programming, Online Instructor Involvement and Coursera’s Paywall
Tina Nazerian, EdSurge, 2017/10/30
By "inclusive programming" the article means "teaching programming to everybody". By "online instructor involvement" it means face-to-face meetings with students in courses (made more difficult in MOOCs). By "Coursera's paywall" it means Charles Severance's strategy to redirect students to his home page if they complain about the paywall. More...

28 novembre 2017

CC and ME

CC and ME
Helen DeWaard, Five Flames 4 Learning, 2017/10/30
Helen DeWaard writes, "After viewing the conversations between David Wiley and George Siemens for the #OpenEdMOOC (Week 2 Part 1Part 2 and Part 3) it becomes clear as mud that copyright and Creative Commons licensing has an impact on my work as an educator." I don't think that was the intend of the course. More...

28 novembre 2017

Les contrats uniques d’insertion et les emplois d’avenir - Une baisse des recrutements et du nombre de bénéficiaires en 2016

JPEG - 5.4 ko

En 2016, 459 000 contrats aidés ont été signés – recrutements initiaux et reconductions – dont 363 000 dans le secteur non marchand et 96 000 dans le secteur marchand. L’ensemble des recrutements est en baisse de 1,3 %. Dans le secteur marchand, les recrutements sont en baisse de 18,2 % alors qu’ils demeurent en hausse de 4,4 % dans le secteur non marchand, du fait de l’augmentation de 7,6 % des embauches en CUI-CAE. Au global, le nombre de bénéficiaires de contrats aidés a diminué de 8,4 % et atteint 402 500 en fin d’année 2016.
86 % des recrutements initiaux ont concerné des demandeurs d’emploi de longue durée, des seniors, des bénéficiaires de minima sociaux ou des jeunes peu qualifiés. Depuis 2013, cette part a diminué de 1,7 point. 14,4 % des contrats signés bénéficient à des personnes des quartiers prioritaires de la ville ; cette part a augmenté de 1,3 point en 2016.

- Dares Résultats 2017-076 - Les contrats uniques d’insertion et les emplois d’avenir

28 novembre 2017

The Web Began Dying in 2014, Here's How

The Web Began Dying in 2014, Here's How
André Staltz, 2017/11/06
I don't think that the increasing market share of Facebook and Google by themselves mean that the web is dying, no more than the domination of Internet Explorer and netscape did back in the day. More...

28 novembre 2017

My part in the battle for Open (universities)

My part in the battle for Open (universities)
Martin Weller, The Ed Techie, 2017/10/30
I didn't get a chance to see Martin Weller at ICDE last week but I'm still able to enjoy his throughts from the cconference in this post. It's a nice rethinking of his role in the promotion of open, and of large institutions like the Open University in the open learning ecosystem. More...

28 novembre 2017

Information Disorder: Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policy making

Information Disorder: Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policy making
Claire Wardle, Hossein Derakhshan, Shorenstein Center, 2017/11/06
In view of the epistemic crisis in the U.S. today this report on informaation disorders (109 page PDF) is a timely contribution. But I fear it does little better than identify the problem; the solutions are stale, sterile, and would be ineffective. More...

28 novembre 2017

Any computer that can be replaced by a teacher, should be

Any computer that can be replaced by a teacher, should be
Steve Wheeler, Learning With es, 2017/11/06
The main point of this post isn't the silly headline, it's this: "humans have many characteristics it would be impossible to mimic, including empathy, emotion, appreciation for aesthetics, and most importantly deviance - also known as breaking or bending the rules... Teachers won't be replaced by computers because it is nigh on impossible to describe accurately what teachers do." This is wrong. More...

28 novembre 2017

Why Moodle Supporters Should be Concerned

Why Moodle Supporters Should be Concerned
Michael Feldstein, e-Literate, 2017/11/06
Phil Hill and Michael feldstein have each taken to posting this week to defend their assertion that the rate of new installations of Moodle has declined significantly. The first, from Phil Hill, is a detailed description of the data used to construct the argument. More...

28 novembre 2017

Against Allegedly

Against Allegedly
Diana Moskovitz, Deadspin, 2017/11/06
In addition to meanings, words have connotations. This is what the word makes you think over and above what the word actually says. My favourite, from decades of journalistic misuse, is "claimed". Compare "He said he was abducted" and "He claimed he was abducted". The use of 'claimed' injects doubt and scepticism into the sentence without ever changing the fact it describes. More...

28 novembre 2017

‘Why does Canada have so much online learning?’

‘Why does Canada have so much online learning?’
Tony Bates, online learning and distance education resources, 2017/11/13
Interesting post from Tony bates answering the question in the title. Well, first he responds along the lines of "aw, shucks, it isn't that much really." But when he gets to it he makes some obvious points (history and geography, government policy) and one really interesting one: "where there has been a large and important open university, this has resulted in slower growth in online learning." Why. More...

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