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29 octobre 2017

Data on Sexual Harassment & Sexual Assault in Higher Ed-an Australian Experiment

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Earlier this year, I raged a bit at a project that the Ontario government had launched: namely, an attempt to survey every single student in Ontario about sexual assault in a way that – it seemed to me – likely to be (mis)used for constructing a league table on which institutions had the highest rates of sexual assault. More...

29 octobre 2017

The Growing Importance of Fee Income

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. I made a little remark last week to the effect that on present trends, student fees would pass provincial funding as a source of revenue for universities by 2020-2021 and combined fed-prov government funding by 2025.  Based on my twitter feed, that seems to have got people quite excited.  But I should have been a little clearer about what I was saying. More...

29 octobre 2017

Some Curious Data From OECD Education at a Glance 2017

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. The OECD put out its annual Education at a Glance  publication yesterday.  No huge surprises except for the fact that they appear to have killed one of the most-used tables in the whole book (A.1.2, which compared tertiary attainment rates for 25-34 year olds by type of tertiary program – i.e. college v. university) which is an enormous bummer.  The finance data says what it pretty much always says: Canada is the #2 spender overall on higher education at 2.6% of GDP (just behind the US at 2.7%). More...

29 octobre 2017

Notes on the Finances of China’s Top Universities

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. One of my distractions over the past summer has been to learn more about Chinese universities.  And, fortunately, this is becoming a lot easier as Chinese universities are starting to put more of their data online.  Today, I just want to take you through a bit of a tour of China’s top universities (roughly the equivalent of the US Ivy League), which are known as the “C9”, most of which now put their financial data online. More...

29 octobre 2017

Why our Science Minister is Going to be Disappointed in Statscan

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Last week Statscan sent me a consultation form asking my opinions about their ideas on how to change UCASS (the University and College Academic Staff Survey, which like most Statscan products containing the word “college” does not actually include the institutions most of us call “colleges” i.e. community colleges). More...

29 octobre 2017

Presidential Compensation

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Over the summer, the revelation that the University of Alberta paid Indira Samarasekera two full years of administrative leave at over $550,000 per year after the conclusion her ten-year (two-term) Presidency caused a series of snit-fits, the most notable one being this one from Paige MacPherson, the Alberta Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. More...

29 octobre 2017

Growth of Presidential Compensation

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Yesterday we looked at Presidential pay in international comparison and saw that Canadian university Presidents have fairly low pay compared to equivalents in other English-speaking countries.  But, one might argue, that’s the wrong metric.  Maybe the real problem isn’t high pay so much as a relatively quick rise in pay over the past few years. More...

29 octobre 2017

How Families Make PSE Choices

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Over the last few months at HESA Towers we’ve been doing a lot of interviews of parents of grade 12 students, to help understand what it is that shapes and shifts their perceptions of higher education institutions.  I can’t give away much of the content here (that’s for paying customers), but one issue I do think is worth a mention is what we’re finding about how families make decisions about post-secondary education. More...

29 octobre 2017

Flagship Universities vs World-Class Universities

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Almost since the “world-class” university paradigm was established fifteen years ago, the concept has faced a backlash.  The concept was too focussed on research production, it was unidimensional, it took no account of universities’ other missions, etc. etc.  Basically the argument was that if people took the world class university concept seriously, we would have a university monoculture that ignored many important facets of higher education. More...

29 octobre 2017

England has lost its damn mind over tuition fees

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Ok, I said I wouldn’t write over the summer unless someone of importance said something titanically stupid.  Andrew Adonis, architect of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair’s education policies crossed that line on Friday with a – yes – titanically stupid column about tuition fees, so here I am. More...

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