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20 avril 2017

Do Healthy Lunches Improve Student Test Scores?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Do Healthy Lunches Improve Student Test Scores?
Melinda D. Anderson, The Atlantic, 2017/03/22
While cautioning that test scores are a partial and often biased indication of learning, it has nonetheless been shown on numerous occasions that proper nutrition aids learning. This is a report on another study making the same point. More...

20 avril 2017

A Continuum on Personalized Learning: First Draft

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A Continuum on Personalized Learning: First Draft
Larry Cuban, Larry Cuban on School Reform, Classroom Practice, 2017/03/22
Larry Cuban describes a continuum between "teacher-centered lessons within the traditional age-graded school.... switching back and forth between phrases on 'competency-based education' and 'personalization'" and 'student-centered classrooms, programs, and schools often departing from the traditional age-graded school model'. More...

20 avril 2017

Linked Data Notifications

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Linked Data Notifications
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 2017/03/22
Linked data Notifications (LDN) is a little standard with big potential. It's very simple: you send a message to a server. I receive a notification. I access the server and retrieve the message. More...

20 avril 2017

Scholars Behind Bars

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Scholars Behind Bars
Jonathan Zimmerman, New York Review of Books, 2017/03/22
Summary and discussion of two books about teaching college classes in prison. "Just as a poor education transports people into prison, a rich one can transform them beyond it." More...

20 avril 2017

A Bot That Can Tell When It's Really Donald Trump Who's Tweeting

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A Bot That Can Tell When It's Really Donald Trump Who's Tweeting
Andrew McGill, The Atlantic, 2017/04/12
This is a pretty good example of what can be done with analytics. As we know, there are the tweets Donald Trump writes himself, and then there are tweets written by his press office. More...

20 avril 2017

The Current State of Educational Blogging 2016

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Current State of Educational Blogging 2016
Sue Waters, The Edublogger, 2017/04/12
Longish overview of the use of blogs in classes. Most survey respondents are users though some use Blogger and other services. Importantly, blogging isn't just about posting bogs, it's about reading and responding. More...

20 avril 2017

Research through the Generations: Reflecting on the Past, Present and Future

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Research through the Generations: Reflecting on the Past, Present and Future
Grainne Conole, SlideShare, 2017/04/12

Overview paper describing the history of learning technology as a series of transformative innovations. More...

20 avril 2017

Twitter exploring premium subscription service

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Twitter exploring premium subscription service
Mike Murphy, Market Watch, 2017/03/24
The suggestion is that Twitter might roll out an enhanced 'tweet-deck' application for a monthly fee. "The premium version would be aimed at marketers, journalists and professionals." More...

20 avril 2017

Dear Twitter. It’s not me, it’s you

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Dear Twitter. It’s not me, it’s you
David Hopkins, Technology Enhanced Learning Blog, 2017/03/02

I continue to use and monitor Twitter and I'm feeling the same way as this author. "My Twitter feed is now full of political commentary and all sorts of negative content that wasn’t there before.". More...

20 avril 2017

Online Charter Schools Have Poor Track Record But They Can Reach Places Other Schools Can’t

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Online Charter Schools Have Poor Track Record But They Can Reach Places Other Schools Can’t
Matt Barnum, The 74 Million, 2017/02/28
The 74 Million is a generally pro-charter lobbyist group, so though I've been reading them for a while I haven't found much to pass along. But this item should be looked at, for two reasons. More...

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