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23 août 2016


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Recognizing
Matthias Melcher, x28’s new Blog, 2016/08/17
This is a first rate intellectual synthesis (8 page PDF) of what are at first glance two very approaches to cognition, Iain McGilchrist's thesis of a division of responsibility in the brain, 'the master and the emissary', and my own description of knowledge as 'recognition'. More...

23 août 2016

How Became A Pop Culture Phenomenon

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How Became A Pop Culture Phenomenon
Jared Newman, Fast Company, 2016/08/23
What's interesting about is that it grew out of a failed ed tech startup. allows users to lipsync to popular videos and share the results with friends. It draws from a catalogue of several million songs. The original ed tech application was a device that enabled users to create five-minute videos explaining a concept or practice. More...

23 août 2016

When it’s Your Googopoly Game, You Can Flip the Board in the Air Anytime

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. When it’s Your Googopoly Game, You Can Flip the Board in the Air Anytime

Alan Levine, CogDogBlog, 2016/08/23

Alan Levine, being more thorough than I, discovered that if you click on 'Events' on your Live Streaming Dashboard, (right under 'Stream Now') you can run your Hangout on Air (aka Live Event) - look for the subtle 'New Event' button in the upper right of the page. Google usability engineers hate you. So you don't need the streaming media encoder. More...

23 août 2016

Online learning for beginners

23 août 2016

The (not so) secret life of a networked and networking scholar

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The (not so) secret life of a networked and networking scholar
Paul Prinsloo, Open distance teaching and learning, 2016/07/19
I am increasingly left wondering how long social networks - Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn - can survive. They can disappear absurdly quickly - remember Friendster? MySpace? And I think that dissatisfaction with the existing sites is strong enough that users will quickly drop them if something better comes along. More...

23 août 2016

Consciousness is a Big Suitcase

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Consciousness is a Big Suitcase
Marvin Minsky, John Brockman, Edge, 2016/07/19
Words like like 'intuition' or 'consciousness' are "suitcase words", says Marvin Minsky in this interview from 1998, "that all of us use to encapsulate our jumbled ideas about our minds. More...

23 août 2016

The Philosophical Concept of Algorithmic Intelligence

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Philosophical Concept of Algorithmic Intelligence
Pierre Levy, Pierre Levy's Blog, 2016/07/19
"A science of human intelligence is indeed possible," writes Pierre Levy in a post last year, "but on the condition that we solve the problem of the mathematical modelling of language. I am speaking here of a complete scientific modelling of language, one that would not be limited to the purely logical and syntactic aspects or to statistical correlations of corpora of texts, but would be capable of expressing semantic relationships formed between units of meaning, and doing so in an algebraic, generative mode." I think we can agree that Facebook isn't this. More...

23 août 2016

On the Nature of Mathematical Concepts

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. On the Nature of Mathematical Concepts
Verena Huber-Dyson, Edge, 2016/07/19
I studied under Verena Huber-Dyson when I was in Calgary and was opened to a world where we question assumptions, consider alternative (but complete and consistent) forms of formalization, and a range of reasons why we ought to question our core 'truths' about mathematics and logic. More...

23 août 2016

How Companies Are Benefiting from “Lite” Artificial Intelligence

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How Companies Are Benefiting from “Lite” Artificial Intelligence
Seth Earley, Harvard Business Review, 2016/07/19
Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIAAS) is here. As this article notes, "At the less-expensive end is a knowledge-based approach that organizes data and language into highly malleable and helpful blocks of information." For example, there's "a virtual assistant known as ABIe (pronounced “Abby”) to answer questions from its 12,000 agents (for All State). More...

23 août 2016

Intelligent assistants are catalysts for digital commerce

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Intelligent assistants are catalysts for digital commerce
Dan Miller, Derek Top, Nicolas De Kouchkovsky, Opus Research, 2016/07/19
It's important that we note that "we are entering a world where an intelligence assistant recognizes our 'intent.' This could spawn a massive consumer behavior shift, as AI-influenced bots would mean far fewer Google searches by humans." More...

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