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11 mai 2016

Sailing together or sinking in rough seas: leadership development in higher education

LH Martin InstituteFollowing on from Alison Johns’ recent Guardian post, Five ways to improve leadership in universities, we look to ways to develop leadership capacity for the many who contribute towards leadership in higher education. Johns asserts that university leaders would do well to consider a focus on creating development opportunities, proactively improving diversity, addressing work-life balance, attracting leaders with outside experience, and analysing the motivations of potential leaders. More...

11 mai 2016

Touchstone on universities and clever Australia

LH Martin InstituteThe challenge of universities is to be more engaged with adding value to the competencies of their students in a supportive research environment. Competencies are broader than cognitive skills and extend also to the behavioural side. More...

11 mai 2016

A Memory of Elephants on the Modern Campus

LH Martin InstituteThis paper explores the key public policy assumptions underlying three of the four sequential and overlapping phases of higher education and university research in Australia:

  • The academic-elite phase (1945 – 1985)
  • The state-mass phase (1985 – 2005)
  • The market-universal phase (post-2005).

The pre-1945 phase, which largely pre-dated Australian government involvement in higher education, is not explored in this paper, except to the extent of its academic-elite and market legacies. More...

11 mai 2016

Australian Universities Overseas Student Recruitment: Financing Strategies and Outcomes 2004-2014

LH Martin InstituteIn their second article in the Australian Universities Finances series, Frank Larkins and Ian Marshman focus on the highly competitive international student market and analyse our universities performance over the period 2004-2014. Their analysis reinforces some of the conclusions in their previous paper and the 2013 LH Martin Institute/ACER University Profiling Study, namely that our university sector shows clear signs of differentiation that reinforce the stratified nature of the system. More...

11 mai 2016

Promoting gender equity within a medical, dental, and health sciences faculty

LH Martin InstituteThe university system, like many work sectors, has a problem with gender equity in leadership positions (Bell, 2010). This is a problem not just in Australia, but globally. For instance, a recent survey of 32 Pacific Rim universities, including 4 Australian universities, found that men are significantly more likely to occupy senior management positions than women (Brewer, 2014). More...

11 mai 2016

Financial Performance of Australian Universities in 2014

LH Martin InstituteThe latest publicly available financial data for Australian Universities are for 2014. Universities sourced revenues of $27.15 billion and expended $25.34 billion for their higher education and independent operations. Some 60.4% of funding came from government sources, including HECS payments. The University of Melbourne had the most revenue at $2.12 billion, equivalent to $590,440 per academic staff FTE. Five universities had revenues of more than $1.6 billion. These five highest revenue earners had a combined income that was more than the total revenues for the 22 smallest universities. More...

11 mai 2016

How did the Australian VET system get here?

LH Martin InstituteIn 2009, the Commonwealth developed a National Partnership Agreement for Voational Education and Training (VET) that proposed the introduction of competitive funding arrangements into training.
This agreement did not proceed because of State reluctance and ACTU pressure not to extend the recent reforms by the Brumby Government in Victorian VET into the other States. The exposure of TAFEs to competition, notably from community, private and employer-operated registered training organisations (RTOs) was strongly resisted. More...

11 mai 2016

Savoir communiquer sur son offre de formation: aspects juridiques, marketing - Aubagne

Numero_VertDes places sont encore disponibles pour la session « Savoir communiquer sur son offre de formation: aspects juridiques, marketing » (OF19) organisée par le CARIF Espace Compétences, dans le cadre de son dispositif de professionnalisation 2016.

Cette session se déroulera les 25 et 26 mai 2016 à Aubagne.

Les objectifs généraux de ces journées sont les suivants :

- Savoir adapter sa communication en fonction du public
- Connaître les aspects juridiques liés à la communication dans le champ de la formation
- Définir une stratégie marketing et commerciale adaptée à son organisme
- Savoir mettre en place un plan commercial opérationnel et un plan de communication efficace (budget, suivi, ...)
- Savoir utiliser les leviers de la qualité de service pour renforcer la fidélisation et la satisfaction client

Consultez le programme détaillé de cette session

Consultez les informations relatives aux Conditions générales et financières

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N`hésitez pas à consultez l`ensemble du programme 2016 de professionnalisation !

Téléchargez la plaquette de présentation 2016 du dispositif de professionnalisation du CARIF Espace Compétences

11 mai 2016

La cooptation, un canal de recrutement efficace

Emploi Parlons Net, le webzine de l'emploi & du travail (Retour à l'accueil)Sonder son réseau, envoyer des mails à ses connaissances, informer sa sphère qu'on cherche du travail reste le premier réflexe de tout candidat. La recommandation constitue la plus vieille méthode de recrutement. Elle permet un véritable gain de temps pour le candidat comme pour l'entreprise. Voir l'article...

11 mai 2016

Trop de moins de 25 ans ne savent pas se servir professionnellement du numérique

Emploi Parlons Net, le webzine de l'emploi & du travail (Retour à l'accueil)5 millions de précaires numériques en France. Et surtout des moins de 25 ans qui ne savent pas, pour beaucoup, se servir scolairement ou professionnellement du numérique. Emmaüs vient donc de lancer pour eux, We Tech Care. Voir l'article...

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