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30 mars 2016

What grammar pedants and fashion victims have in common

The ConversationBy . Language pedants who take pleasure in policing other people’s use of grammar often have an air of respectability about them, but it’s usually a sheen hiding something more pernicious. Rather than actual rules of language, pedantry deals in half-truths, conventions and arbitrary shibboleths which are too often used to embarrass or undermine.
Remember this if you get pounced upon by a pedant on National Grammar Day. More...
30 mars 2016

Why the curvy new Barbie is good news for your little girl

The ConversationBy . Mattel recently announced that their half-century-old centerfold would be getting a brand new look. The new Barbie will come in three different body shapes (tall, curvy and petite) and a variety of skin tones, eye colors and hairstyles. More...
30 mars 2016

How can universities encourage young people to vote?

The ConversationBy . This past February, when many of their peers were still asleep, a group of Tufts University students got on a bus to New Hampshire to take advantage of a once-every-four-years opportunity: seeing presidential candidates making their final pitch to voters. More...
30 mars 2016

Why are political experts mostly men? Women also know stuff

The ConversationBy and . With the rise of Republican candidate Donald Trump, the demise of establishment candidates and a nomination contest between a self-proclaimed socialist and a woman, this election has delivered many surprises. Political scientists have often been called to weigh in. More...
30 mars 2016

Do polygamous marriages among liberal arts disciplines produce better scientists?

The ConversationBy . At a time when states are proposing to cut funding to nudge students away from the humanities toward “more job-friendly” STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) subjects, I want to make a confession: I am the love child of an affair between academic worlds. My career in science is a case study of the significance of the social sciences and humanities in science education. More...
30 mars 2016

Are there any health implications for raising your child as a vegetarian, vegan or pescatarian?

The ConversationBy . An increasing number of blogs by “ethical mums” have sparked discussions about the appropriateness of imposing vegetarianism, veganism or pescatarianism on their children. More...
30 mars 2016

Here’s another reason why many community college students do not get their degree

The ConversationBy and . The growth of community colleges in the U.S. has improved access to higher education tremendously, especially for students from low-income families. However, completion rates at these schools are less than 30 percent. More...
29 mars 2016

The Common Core explained

The ConversationBy and . Beginning in 2010, mathematics and English language arts standards, called the Common Core State Standards, were adopted in 45 of 50 U.S. states.
The Common Core Standards represent a substantial change from what was in place before. They are not just national (nearly) in scope, but also their content differs considerably from prior state standards. More...
29 mars 2016

Will the new education law allow for teachers with lower qualifications?

The ConversationBy and . On December 9, Congress passed the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, called the Every Child Succeeds Act. A replacement for the much criticized No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the reauthorization gained support from groups as diverse as The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, the National Education Association, the National Parent Teacher Association, The National School Boards Association, the National Governors Association and Fairtest, an organization that addresses issues related to fairness and accuracy in testing. More...
29 mars 2016

Sélection en master : « pour assurer la qualité d’insertion des étudiants, elle est nécessaire »

Par Fabien Soyez. Toutes les universités, en master, font de la sélection. La grande majorité la pratique de façon légale, que ce soit entre le M1 et le M2, ou à l’entrée en M1. C’est ce qui fait la qualité de nos masters, et qui explique qu’ils soient reconnus. Le système marche parfaitement ainsi. Les masters sont de qualité. 95% des étudiants s’insèrent à la sortie. Ne cassons pas quelque chose qui fonctionne, à partir de positions purement idéologiques. Voir l'article...

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