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12 décembre 2015

How to Make the Case for Graduate Education

By Vimal Patel. After her talk to a packed room on Thursday, Janet Napolitano, president of the University of California, asked audience members to raise their hands if they planned to meet with members of Congress or their staffs while here in Washington. More...

12 décembre 2015

Violences faites aux femmes N° DGOS/R2/MIPROF/2015/345 du 25 novembre 2015 relative à la mise en place, dans les services d’urgences, de référents sur les violences faites aux femmes.
Résumé : Dans le cadre du 4ème plan interministériel de prévention et de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes (2014-2016), un référent « violences faites aux femmes » sera identifié dans chaque établissement autorisé en médecine d’urgences. Désigné parmi les médecins du service d’urgence, du SAMU ou du SMUR, ce référent sera chargé de la sensibilisation du personnel des services d’urgence, SAMU et SMUR, sur la question des femmes victimes de violences et d’identifier les partenaires utiles. Il bénéficiera d’une formation spécifique sur les violences faites aux femmes, proposée par la Mission interministérielle pour la protection des femmes victimes de violences et la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains (MIPROF) et dispensée au cours du 1er semestre 2016.

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12 décembre 2015

Is there a better system for college rankings?

By Jonathan Rothwell and Fred Dews. Jonathan Rothwell, fellow in the Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings, tells us what’s missing in conventional college ranking systems like that of U.S. News & World Report. And using President Obama’s new college score card, Rothwell talks about his new value added approach to rankings. More...

11 décembre 2015

Writing in a New Language, Writing Anew . My admiration for the writer Jhumpa Lahiri went up a thousandfold after reading an excerpt from her new book, titled “Teach Yourself Italian,” in this week’s New Yorker. Having been trying to teach myself Italian for the past 18 months, I thought I would find a fellow voyager in Lahiri’s essay. As it turns out, Lahiri became so obsessed with the language that she moved to Italy with her family, something I’ve never contemplated doing. More...

11 décembre 2015

‘Micro’ Meditation . For the record, I believe we have a problem on campuses with a persistent, low level, broadly shared, largely unconscious set of prejudices that places an unfair burden on minorities (and, often, women). More...

11 décembre 2015

Don’t Cuff Me . Happy start to cuffing season. Yes, folks, it officially begins today.
I just learned the term cuffing season four days ago, and already I know I cannot talk about it without showing my age. More...

11 décembre 2015

Approaching Partial Zero . When I first heard of a partial zero-emissions vehicle (or PZEV, a fun acronym to say), I wondered if it was a line from a joke. But no. It is a line from a vehicle category designed to circumvent requirements like California’s demand that zero-emissions vehicles be produced by a certain date. More...

11 décembre 2015

ProfHacker 2015 Holiday Gift Guide . Hopefully you’ve noticed the subtle change in the air: the giving way of the aroma of pumpkin spice latte to the onset of the peppermint mocha. With that blessed change from decorative gourd season, mothers everywhere want to know what you’ll be getting them for the slew of holidays that close out the year. Read more...
11 décembre 2015

The Now Page Movement . Setting clear priorities for how you’re going to use your time and energy can often be a challenge. For academics, figuring out how to arrange the competing demands of research, teaching, and service is but one part of the larger challenge of creating a work-life balance that serves you well. Read more...
11 décembre 2015

Tune In to Focus at Will . Our brains are designed to pay attention to novelty in our environment: at the most basic level, early in our evolution, novelty often meant danger — a predator approaching in the forest, say, or a severe storm approaching. Read more...
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