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25 octobre 2015

Response to Robert Talbert: Pedagogical change is difficult, many need support

By . On Monday Robert Talbert, associate professor at Grand Valley State University and author of the Casting Out Nines blog, wrote a provocative and important post titled “Active learning as an ethical issue”. More...

25 octobre 2015

Cracks In The Foundation Of Disruptive Innovation

By . The overuse of Clayton Christensen’s disruptive innovation theory has rightly been criticized in education circles for years. I say rightly in that judging a non-commodity public good with the same theory as disk drives is a silly notion without some extensive analysis to back up that extrapolation. More...

25 octobre 2015

Keynote #CLIL Teresa Ting second #language learning challenges

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Y.L. Teresa Ting from the Universitá della Calabria (Italy) has an Italian charm and looks fabulous as she takes the stage.  Today she focused on the question on how the CLIL format can answer the many challenges of educating pupils in a foreign language, especially if one takes into account that the outcomes of native language courses keep having flaws. She is also clearly a teacher, narrating, yet paying attention at our focus, and she makes us do things (takes me back to the classroom).I was following with pleasure, until the sentence "students need good textbooks more then ever, as you never know what they will find on the internet" - okay, just imagine my face when hearing that sentence! Fun though, and the full keynote was definitely of interest. Read more...

25 octobre 2015

Write, create, curate and collaborate: preparing for #digiWriMo

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Great initiative to combine digital writing and creativity all through the month of November 2015. I learn by writing. It always feels like the movement of my fingers on my keyboard makes me think more clearly, and even pushes thoughts right into the open. So this Digital Writing Month initiative (#DigiWriMo), organised by the Hybrid Pedagogy bloggers (Maha Bali, Sarah Honeychurch, and Kevin Hogdson), is right up my alley. The #DigiWriMo will push people to engage in digital writing and creativity during the month of November. Read more...

25 octobre 2015

Notes from Mendeley workshop by @janeshsanzgiri

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Live notes from a great workshop on basic and easy Mendeley use by my OU/PhD colleague Janesh Sanzgiri. In this workshop Janesh highlighted the most useful Mendeley functions, and how to use them in Word. He likes Mendeley as the files are stored in the Cloud, which allows you to access your account across all your devices as well as access it from internet-connected computers wherever they are.  And Mendeley is also seen as intuitive. Read more...

25 octobre 2015

#AdaLovelaceDay in search of the extended learning body

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Most of the people who are passionate about computing know Ada Lovelace. Born 200 years ago (1815) her family background provided a mix of poetry (father) and mathematics (mother). An interesting mix, and I feel a necessary mix for great achievers. Being able to feel the dream-state of creativity, allows a different interpretation of the material, realistic world. I truly believe that there is no great invention without great creative vision, and to me Ada Lovelace had both traits which resulted in a magnificent addition to history, even today. There is a lovely FindingAda blog which celebrates the achievements of women in STEM. Read more...

25 octobre 2015

#Teacher contest: using innovative practices in your classroom? Enter!

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. My wonderful PAU education colleague Maria Perifanou just sent me a wonderful contest for all you primary and secondary teachers (in EU).
The Open Education Europa portal has just launched a contest aiming at collecting and sharing innovative teaching practices taking place in Europe. Just sharing the information from the platform here. Read more...
25 octobre 2015

Learning, #assessments should be future, context oriented thx @jaycross

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Sitting in a train heading for The Open University  on a rainy day in September (Autumn in the Northern hemisphere). Writing a progress log or Plog as Jay Cross would call it, and it took me ages as I struggled with the use and application of assessing new knowledge. In some ways this plog relates to discussions on the use of testing/assessing which is a reoccurring discussion in education everywhere and online learning in particular. Read more...
25 octobre 2015

Angebot aus Cambridge: Eliteuni auf der Couch Abschluss an einer renommierten Universität, ohne Vorlesungen vor Ort besucht zu haben? Das soll künftig möglich sein: Das MIT in Cambridge bietet in einem Pilotprojekt Zertifikate für Onlinekurse an.
Was tut man, wenn man studieren will, aber keine Uni in der Nähe ist? Oder man nicht jeden Tag zum Campus pendeln kann? Diese Frage stellen sich Berufstätige. Auch für Flüchtlinge ist sie von Bedeutung. Mehr...

25 octobre 2015

Bau-Panne an Freiburger Uni-Bibliothek: Blendend ist erst wenige Tage her, dass die neue Uni-Bibliothek in Freiburg eröffnet wurde. Ein neues hypermodernes Gebäude mit Eigenstromversorgung durch eine Photovoltaikanlage auf dem Dach. Die Deckenbeleuchtung ist tageslichtabhängig, die Leselampen erlöschen automatisch, wenn der Student seinen Tisch verlässt. "Ein spektakuläres architektonisches Ausrufungszeichen", schwärmt die Uni-Leitung. Mehr...

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