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4 mai 2015

LinkedIn shares plummet after 'extraordinary' revenue miss

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. LinkedIn shares plummet after 'extraordinary' revenue miss
Sarah Frier, Globe, Mail, 2015/05/01

Here's another example of a stock losing a quarter of its value after missing an earnings target (and proof that releasing the news via an unauthorized tweet really has nothing to do with the plunge in value). More...

4 mai 2015

ASU’s edX MOOC deal: Lots of links and a few thoughts

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. ASU’s edX MOOC deal: Lots of links and a few thoughts
Steve Krause,, 2015/05/01

As the title says, a bunch of links and some thoughts. I like the Onion's take on the ASU experiment (which is to offer free MOOCs to first year students, where you pay only if you pass). More...

4 mai 2015

Preparing for the digital university: a review of the history and current state of distance, blended, and online learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Preparing for the digital university: a review of the history and current state of distance, blended, and online learning
George Siemens, Dragan Gašević, Shane Dawson, Athabasca University, 2015/04/30
This book-length publication will receive widespread attention, coming as it does with a media campaign complete with Gates Foundation backing and a Chronicle article. It's essentially a meta-study (sometimes known as a tertiary study) of the 'literature' in the field if distance education and (to a lesser extent) online learning. More...

4 mai 2015

Trouvez un emploi ou stage dans l'artisanat - pour tous est un site 100% gratuit et sans publicité, permettant d'obtenir un devis pour n'importe quel projet et dans de nombreux domaines. La section emploi permet quand à elle de trouver des offres d'emploi gratuitement dans le domaine de l'artisanat.
C'est, de plus, un site sans aucune publicité, ce qui renforce l'ergonomie du site et l'expérience de l'utilisateur. Le site est disponible en version mobile et tablette, ce qui optimise son utilisation sur tous les supports. Aller sur

4 mai 2015

They turned college into McDonald’s: Adjunct professors, fast-food wages and how colleges screw more than just students

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. They turned college into McDonald’s: Adjunct professors, fast-food wages and how colleges screw more than just students
Paul Rosenberg, Salon, 2015/05/04
From the article, which needs no further commentary: "The congressional testimony Greenberg gave was taken in conjunction with the release of a report on contingent faculty in higher education, “The Just-In-Time Professor,” summarizing results of an e-forum by Rep. George Miller, D-Calif. More...

4 mai 2015

Turnitin Announces Availability of Turnitin Scoring Engine for Automated Writing Assessment

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Turnitin Announces Availability of Turnitin Scoring Engine for Automated Writing Assessment
Press Release, Turnitin, 2015/04/30
So what can you do if you have a large database of essays that schools have forced students to contribute in order to prevent plagiarism? Well if you're TurnItIn you can use the database to create an automated essay grading system (one which presumably also detects plagiarism). More...

4 mai 2015

Can Behavioral Tools Improve Online Student Outcomes? Experimental Evidence from a Massive Open Online Course

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Can Behavioral Tools Improve Online Student Outcomes? Experimental Evidence from a Massive Open Online Course
Richard W. Patterson, Cornell University, 2015/04/30

As Jon Dron says, this is an interesting and well-argued paper. The author tests the use of behavioural aides to increase course completion. More...

4 mai 2015

Game of Fear

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Game of Fear
Zachary Jason, Boston Magazine, 2015/04/30

At some point in the past advertisers decided computers and video games were only for boys, and women have been paying the price ever since. This article describes what one writer called "the nauseating pathology behind Gamergate." I can't read this without getting angry. More...

4 mai 2015

Saddest Tweets Ever

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Saddest Tweets Ever
Chris Lott, FNCLL, 2015/04/28

Chris Lott now blogs at and this week writes of an exchange wherein Gardner Campbell throws water on the possibility that he and Bryan Alexander might every collaborate in some sort of 'literature happening'. More...

4 mai 2015

BBC is giving away 1 million mini computers

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. BBC is giving away 1 million mini computers
Mark Guzdial, Computing Education Blog, 2015/04/28

The full title of this post is: "BBC is giving away 1 million mini computers so kids can learn to code: Prediction — little impact on broadening participation." Mark Guzdial continues. More...

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