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1 mars 2015

Updates to Noisli . One of the most powerful things you can do to improve your focus and productivity is to adjust your working environment. We each have different preferences for things like soft or hard furniture, room temperature, and background noise. Figuring out what works best for you in your environment can help you make the most out of your work time. I’ve written before about Noisli, an online tool that combines a highly customizable background noise generator with a distraction-free writing environment. Read more...
1 mars 2015

#NAWD: ‘National Adjunct Walkout Day’ . I’m sharing this quick post to let you know — in case you were unaware — that today is “National Adjunct Walkout Day.” To learn more, check out these resources:
1 mars 2015

Procrastination, Our Old Frenemy . A few years back, Natalie observed that “an expectation of procrastination seems almost built into the campus landscape,” an observation which hasn’t lost its accuracy since then. Heck, a non-trivial amount of modern internet and app culture often seems on a dialectic of enabling, and then overcoming, procrastination. Read more...
1 mars 2015

Open Thread Wednesday! . What’s on your mind? Do you need advice or feedback about something related to life and work in higher ed? Do you have advice or feedback to share about something related to life and work in higher ed? What would you like to see covered at ProfHacker? Do you have any suggestions for Open Thread topics? Do you have any interesting, ProfHacker-y links to share. Read more...
1 mars 2015

That’s Not a Word . The reason he sent it to me is the first word in the third line. There is no definition for intrical in,, or The Oxford English Dictionary. However, there is one at Urban Dictionary: “A word that doesn’t exist. Usually used by dumbasses who really mean to use the word integral.” More...

1 mars 2015

Greek Weekend . As the Romans did thousands of years ago, so today we continue to hold the ancient classical Greek language in high regard. Among other things, this regard gives us a triad of Greek occasions on the second weekend of March 2015. More...

1 mars 2015

Labeling Words . Dictionaries occupy a special place in academe. In our libraries, unabridged dictionaries regularly lie open on pedestals, where we can go stand before them; the staging suggests their authority as a place to find answers about words. Rarely do we flip to the front of it to check what dictionary it is, from what year. Then I have read many an academic article that mentions a definition from the Oxford English Dictionary or another dictionary but fails to cite the work in the Works Cited, as if a dictionary is not edited by hands as human as those that work on any other book. More...

1 mars 2015

Having a Problem With ‘Having a Problem With’ . I have a problem with the expression have a problem with. It always tempts me to think the utterer is admitting to a personal difficulty. But although nothing technically blocks that literal meaning, the phrase has developed another completely idiomatic sense. The Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary and Thesaurus says (in the entry you can see at Cambridge Dictionaries Online) that X has a problem with Y, in informal style, means “X finds Y annoying or offensive.” More briefly and vaguely, it entails (at a minimum) “X objects to Y.” More...

1 mars 2015

Girls, Girls, Grrrls . Here she comes again. She’s been interrupted. She’s been left behind. She’s worn a pearl earring and had a dragon tattoo. She’s played with fire and kicked the hornet’s nest. When she’s not the other Boleyn, or working in the shop, she may be your #Boss. She’s not that kind, and she’s been gone. Only not far enough gone, because here she comes again, on the train. You know who I mean. The Girl. The Title Girl. More...

1 mars 2015

House Approves Modest Expansion of 529 College-Saving Plans . Seeking to capitalize on the recent brouhaha over President Obama’s effort to roll back tax breaks on 529 college-saving plans, the Republican-led House of Representatives has passed a bill that would modestly expand those plans. More...

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