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16 novembre 2014

Mutations économiques : une convention entre l'Etat et la Caisse des dépôts

Aquitaine Cap MétiersDans le cadre du programme d'investissements d'avenir et sous forme d’appel à projet « Partenariats pour la formation professionnelle et l'emploi », l’Etat et la Caisse des dépôts viennent de signer une convention qui prévoit un financement de 126 millions d'euros pour adapter l'offre deformation aux secteurs en croissance ou à ceux en reconversion en associant entreprises et organismes de formation.
En savoir +. Voir l'article...

16 novembre 2014

Université de Bordeaux - Bordeaux

L’université de Bordeaux, fruit d’une longue tradition de coopération regroupe les 4 universités bordelaises, l’Institut polytechnique de Bordeaux, Bordeaux Sciences Agro et Sciences Po Bordeaux, ainsi que 10 membres associés et 1 institut rattaché. Elle porte et anime cette dynamique d’acteurs, mobilisés autour d’une politique concertée de site pour accroître la lisibilité et l’attractivité de l’espace de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche bordelais au plan national, européen et international et favoriser la réussite et l’insertion professionnelle de ses étudiants. Lauréate de l’opération Campus, l’Université de Bordeaux s’est fixée trois défis majeurs :
• réorganiser son offre d’enseignement et de recherche pluridisciplinaire autour de pôles forts et visibles ;
• ancrer son action dans la dynamique économique du territoire bordelais et aquitain ;
• agir pour le développement d’un esprit de campus, levier majeur de son rayonnement durable sur la scène internationale. Quelques chiffres 110 unités de recherche dont 70 mixtes, 250 conventions de coopération internationale, 700 thèses soutenues par an, 940 diplômes délivrés, 6100 doctorants, enseignants-chercheurs et chercheurs, 61000 étudiants dont 7500 étrangers, 18 millions d’euros de chiffres d’affaires en contrats industriels. Voir le document...

16 novembre 2014

International Symposium on Academic Excellence of Maribor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence invite you to participate and register for the 2nd Maribor Academicus Event in a form of the International Symposium: Academic Excellence: Between Holy Grail and Measurable Objectives, January 19-20th, 2015, Maribor, Slovenia. More...

16 novembre 2014

New rankings from URAP: Toronto Chasing Harvard, Hacettepe on Top in Turkey Informatics Institute at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara has been publishing the University Ranking by Academic performance since 2009. Rankings provide scores for 2000 institutions out of 2500 for which data was obtained. The scores are based on objective data taken from public sources. The current methodology favours larger institutions although the Institute is working on methodological changes that will reduce size dependency.

University Ranking by Academic Performance. More...

16 novembre 2014

New Report Shows Growing Importance of Rankings European Universities Association in partnership with the French Rectors’ Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology and the Academic Information Centre in Latvia, has produced a report that assesses the impact of university rankings on the decision making processes and strategies of European higher education institutions.
The report by Ellen Hazelkorn, Tia Loukkola and Therese Zhang analysed survey responses from 171 institutions in 39 countries. There were also site visits to six universities in Austria, France, Denmark, Portugal, Romania and the United Kingdom and a round table conference.
Rankings in Institutional Strategies and Processes: Impact or Illusion. More...

16 novembre 2014

Excellence through Equity Max Rashbrooke. In social terms, it’s essential to invest in education.  A recent OECD report How was Life?, looking at global well-being since 1830 finds that, in terms education, there has been a massive improvement.  A lack of educational opportunities creates a vicious circle, in which those unable to get a decent education are denied opportunities for social betterment, the socially disadvantaged then struggle to access education, and so on. Read more...
16 novembre 2014

Under the radar? Professional education and training Simon Field. But out there in the labour market, modern economies are generating demands for skills that are every bit as diverse as our varying needs for housing or road transport. These demands come in chunks of different sizes, and quite often in the shape of demand for qualifications beyond school, but involving less time than a full three to four year bachelor's degree.  For example, a recent review of the United States concluded that in the decade to 2018, nearly one third of job vacancies will require a post-secondary qualification of some sort, but less than a four year degree. Read more...
16 novembre 2014

School size: A literature review Deborah Nusche. A new OECD working paper on school size policies, published today, shows that there are many ways in which school size may influence learning environments. Small schools make personal contact easy and are often strongly defended by local communities, while larger schools can provide more options to meet a diverse range of interests and needs. Read more...
16 novembre 2014

Fairer taxation for trust: the time is now!

By Angel Gurría. Six years since the onset of the Crisis many advanced countries continue to face high unemployment, sluggish growth and weak public finances. Growth is also slowing down in emerging markets. Read more...
16 novembre 2014

Better policies for better lives – this time, in your region

By Rolf Alter. In order to address this challenge, the OECD established a framework to measure well-being at the local level. “How’s Life in Your Region?” presents an innovative set of tools to help policy makers benchmark the performance of their region in terms of the key indicators that define well-being for citizens. The ability to benchmark the performance of their region against other similar places should help them better target their policies and investments in order to have stronger impact on people’s daily lives. Read more...
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