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22 mars 2014

Our Powers Combined

HomeBy Carl Straumsheim. In the face of mounting financial challenges, some small colleges are hoping that -- together -- they can be as innovative in the online education space as the big guys. The Council of Independent Colleges and the Teagle Foundation, which supports undergraduate education in arts and sciences, are among some of the organizations pushing for a liberal arts approach to online or hybrid education through recent initiatives that invite small colleges to work together and learn from one another. Read more...
22 mars 2014

Starting All Over Again

HomeBy Paul Fain. Students are much less likely to earn a four-year degree if they first enroll at a community college. A key reason, according to a newly released study, is lost credits in the transfer process. The research also dumps cold water on several other explanations for why many community college students fail to eventually complete bachelor’s degrees, such as assumptions about lowered expectations, a vocational focus or inadequate academic rigor during their time at two-year colleges. Read more...
22 mars 2014

A Broader History Ph.D.

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. In 2011, leaders of the American Historical Association issued a statement acknowledging how difficult the academic job market had become for their discipline, and calling for historians to change their concept of what a successful job was for a Ph.D. With the cry "No More Plan B," the statement called for jobs away from the traditional faculty ranks to be viewed not as necessary fallbacks, but as desired outcomes of a history doctorate -- and they called for doctoral programs to make changes to embrace students seeking such careers and to make all doctoral students aware of the possibilities, not just professorial careers. Read more...
22 mars 2014

Ratings or Rankings?

HomeBy Michael Stratford. Since the White House rolled out its plan to create a federal college ratings system last August, administration officials have repeatedly insisted that they are not interested in putting together a scheme that would rank institutions. As recently as Friday, for instance, Education Secretary Arne Duncan admonished a White House reporter’s suggestion that the administration is seeking to develop a system akin to the rankings compiled annually by U.S. News and World Report. Read more...
22 mars 2014

You're Admitted... Not

HomeBy Carl Straumsheim. Another admissions cycle; another batch of acceptance letters sent to rejected students. The shift away from physical admission decisions to electronic notifications has led to speedier notification of decisions to applicants, but it has also opened the door to more mistakes. Read more...
22 mars 2014

Curbing Debit Card Fees, Marketing

HomeBy Michael Stratford. The U.S. Department of Education is proposing new regulations on campus debit cards that would prohibit certain fees, restrict marketing activities, and require colleges to disclose their relationships with card providers. Department officials this week circulated a first draft of the proposal to members of a rule-making panel that is in the process of negotiating the regulations. Read more...
22 mars 2014

Pulling Out in Pennsylvania?

HomeBy Ry Rivard. Several Pennsylvania public colleges are looking for a way out of the state’s struggling 14-university system. Supporters say a bill proposed this month would strengthen the state’s higher education system by allowing its best institutions to leave, while critics worry the bill would hurt the system, lead to higher tuition and weaken faculty and staff unions. Read more...
22 mars 2014

Pioneering the study of inhumanity

By . The story of a remarkable research centre devoted to understanding “the roots of extremism” has been reconstructed in a new radio documentary. The centre’s origins stem from a speech by the then Observer editor David Astor in April 1962, in which he argued that since most Nazi leaders and supporters were “not mad in a medical sense”, we had to confront something “deeply alarming and disturbing” about human nature - namely “the pathological possibilities of the normal mind”. More...

22 mars 2014

University of London criticised over student's chalk slogan conviction

By . Open letter includes cleaning cloths with guide on removing any further ‘unwanted chalk marks’. Academics have criticised the “needlessly vindictive and wholly disproportionate” prosecution of a student protester who wrote a slogan in chalk on the University of London’s foundation stone. More...

22 mars 2014

Budget 2014: £200 million for science as postgraduate options considered

By . The government will outline options to increase postgraduate student numbers later this year, according to today’s Budget statement. While George Osborne, the chancellor, did not mention postgraduate study in his speech, the Treasury’s accompanying Budget document pledged to overcome “potential barriers in the postgraduate system that may be restricting the supply of…higher skills”. More...

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