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28 juillet 2013

EUCIS-LLL sets up a task force on validation of non-formal and informal learning European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning - EUCIS-LLL - has been advocating for validation as a key tool for lifelong learning for years and has now set up a task force to further tackle the issue. EAEA is a member of EUCIS-LLL.
The task force will look at the implementation of the 2012 Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning, as well as the current revision of Cedefop 2009 European Guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning and 2010 European Inventory on validation. Read more...
28 juillet 2013

Shaping European identity through movies Raffaela Kihrer. EAEA GRUNDTVIG AWARD 2013. EAEA hands out the yearly EAEA Grundtvig Award to a successful European learning partnership. This year´s theme for the award was "Active citizenship and transnational solidarity - Adult Education as a tool against nationalism, chauvinism and xenophobia".
Film storytelling, as a form of art, has always enjoyed a privileged status regarding its relationship with life. Moving images have the power to create meaning and expose and hide multiple realities. They can also be shared easily through new media, as films are easily shared, downloaded and commented in the virtual community. Read more...
28 juillet 2013

Building the Badges for Lifelong Learning Movement Sheryl Grant. By any measure, the HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition--our fourth Digital Media and Learning Competition--has been our most ambitious and most potentially transformative initiative. Collectively, we took an idea as old as badging, layered it on top of learning, and plugged it into the Web. And by collective, I mean "standing on the shoulders of giants" kind of collective. It’s taken a lot of people, a lot of organizations, and a lot of giants to get here. And most importantly, it's taken Connie Yowell, Director of Education at the MacArthur Foundation, to be the bold thinker mapping the way for us. Read more...

28 juillet 2013

Mapping Digital Humanists, in Spanish Ernesto Priego. My colleagues Élika Ortega and Silvia Gutiérrez have launched a site for their Mapa HD project. (HD stands for 'humanidades digitales', needless to say 'digital humanities' in Spanish). This is a project that originated during the DíaHD (Day of Digital Humanities in Spanish and Portuguese). Élika and Silvia are working together across borders and time zones mapping who and where digital humanists are through a survey and visualisations of the survey results. Read more...

28 juillet 2013

Digital Humanities and the Study of Intermediality in Comparative Cultural Studies Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek. Digital humanities and the study of intermediality in comparative cultural studies is about how intermediality influences the negotiation of culture(s)—in theory and application—and how, cultural practices shape the use of (new) media and their social significance. The notion of intermediality—a concept of old, but with renewed perspectives and practices in digital humanities—raises a number of issues including social and cultural practices, pedagogy, aspects of globalization, the cultural industries, the publishing of scholarship online, etc. Read more...
28 juillet 2013

Schadenfreude for the MOOC Is Not Joy for the Higher Ed Status Quo Cathy Davidson. Two important things happened this week in the world of Massive Online Open Courseware (MOOCs) and the larger world of higher ed:
first, came the announcement (not very well contextualized) of a more than 50% failure rate of the for-credit students in the pilot Udacity-San Jose State University program offering three introductory and remedial courses (algebra, intermediate algebra, and statistics) online to both traditional and non-traditional (not admitted) SJSU students. While the courses had a remarkably high completion rate of 83% (most MOOCs have a 10% completion rate and even most face-to-face remedial classes at community colleges and state universities have about a 25-55% completion rate), the failure rate is, of course, unacceptable. SJSU and Udacity have announced a six-month hiatus in the program while they study the data, interview the students and the profs and tutors, and redesign instruction to address this problem and, ideally, remedy it. Read more...
28 juillet 2013

The Arts & Humanities in the Workplace: Why Great Leaders are Joining the Dialogue Christine Henseler.  "The Arts & Humanities in the Workplace: Why Great Leaders are Joining the Dialogue" is an online project that gives voice to not only humanists, but also employers and leaders from fields as varied as engineering, biology, nanotechnology, social work, business administration, economics, environmental studies, entrepreneurship, physics, government or medicine. The goal of this project is to demonstrate that an education in the arts and humanities -- from kindergarten to higher education and beyond -- has concrete benefits on individual lives and careers and on global economic competitiveness, advancements in innovation, and civic engagement and responsibility. Read more...
28 juillet 2013

The Transcendent Potential of Digital Badges and Paradigm Shifts in Education Dan Hickey. In previous posts at HASTAC and Remediating Assessment I argued that we need to look beyond the intended purposes of digital badges and consider the actual functions of badges.  This builds on what Jim Greeno has convinced me what happens when situative views of knowing and learning are applied to assessment. A later post elaborated on the summative, formative, and transformative functions of digital badges. That later post also promised a subsequent post on what we might call transcendent functions. I had written some about it in the original version but it was too long and I really could not wrap my head around it at the time. Read more...

28 juillet 2013

The Future of (Mostly Higher) Education Cathy Davidson. After finishing filming our last segment on "The History of Higher Education" (Week 3: Teaching Like It's 1992), we are now scouting locations for the "Future of Higher Education."
As you can see from the two photos in this post, the "history of higher education" included a visit from Michael Jackson (well, not really) in my office cum film studio in Smith Warehouse at Duke. Read more...
28 juillet 2013

La búsqueda del conocimiento: como los estudiantes usan las plataformas digitales para elegir sus universidades . El viaje en búsqueda de educación para los estudiantes se ha trasladado a la web. Uno de cada diez futuros estudiantes ya busca exclusivamente en línea por las clases y programas deseados, según estudios de  Google y Compete. Para aprovechar las oportunidades de venta de cursos digitales, los vendedores tienen que llegar a los estudiantes a través de  los canales adecuados
- Y mirar más allá de los períodos de inscripción tradicionales – con una constante
presencia en línea. Y con la cantidad de personas dirigiéndose hacia material en  video en la búsqueda de  educación, se registró un aumento cuadriplicado de 2011 a  2012 en esta área, estableciendo así la importancia del video para acercarse a las universidades deseadas. Con tan solo un vistazo a las aulas universitarias de hoy, se verá lo ecléctico del cuerpo estudiantil con relación a hace 10 años. Se encontrará a la madre cabeza de familia, el profesor retirado, el que decidió cambiar de carrera a sus treinta y tantos entre otros personajes. Los avances tecnológicos han hecho la educación más accesible, más flexible y más eficaz para los estudiantes como estos y muchos más. Incluso para los estudiantes “tradicionales” se puede ver como la tecnología les ha cambiado todo, como leen, estudian y aprenden. Ahora, si te alejas del cuadro, notarás como algo falta en estas clases modernas: El salón de clase. Més...
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