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19 novembre 2018

Trading in higher education services post-Brexit will not be easy for the UK

By Brendan O’Malley – Managing Editor. In Commentary, Howard Davies says contrary to what the United Kingdom government thinks, striking trade agreements with foreign partners post-Brexit will be a daunting challenge, as all trade negotiations are lengthy and tortuous, and UK attempts to trade in higher education services will be no exception. Gerhard Duda contends that the concept of ‘distributed excellence’ is a promising but volatile guiding star for the European university system that should be developed carefully. And Andrew Norton writes that a good vocational education funding system is needed in Australia to fill jobs requiring vocational rather than higher education and solve the problem of oversupply of graduates.
   In our World Blog this week, Paul Schulmann says the downward trend in international student mobility to the United States should be taken seriously and US institutions should mitigate further declines in new enrolment and prepare for their potential impact.
   In our series on Transformative Leadership, published in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, Dag Rune Olsen, rector of Norway’s University of Bergen, outlines how his institution is demonstrating that universities can play a leading role in addressing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Sharon Dell asks Professor Yusuf Karodia, one of the founders of a pan-African higher education network dedicated to educating the next generation of African leaders, about his views on transformative leadership. And Stephen Coan and Brendan O'Malley outline how the fourth tracking study for the Ford Foundation’s International Fellowships Program shows that scholarship programmes can be effective in promoting social change.
   In Features, Munyaradzi Makoni and Sharon Dell highlight a new book that explores the development of young scientists from more than 50 African countries and the factors that are holding them back. And Kalinga Seneviratne reports on the proliferation of international programmes taught in English at universities in Thailand, which now hosts some 30,000 foreign students, up from under 2,000 two decades ago. More...
19 novembre 2018

We the Media

We the Media
If you're looking for a good week-end read, you won't go wrong with Dan Gillmor's We the Media. This site is a blog supporting the book; the entire book is available online in the left-hand column. Gillmor's book documents the transition from media as produced by large, centralized news agencies to news as produced by the people who read or view the news. More...

19 novembre 2018

Language Barriers

Language Barriers
When I was a child I learned that there were six colours in the spectrum. I even learned a little rhyme to help me remember. Red and orange, green and blue, shining yellow, purple too, all the colours that we know, live up in the rainbow. Somewhere along the line, someone added a colour: indigo. Ask me today what colour something is and I'll probably use one of the words in my rhyme. Indigo? Never use it, never even see it. More...

19 novembre 2018

Boxing and the Cool Halls of Academe

Boxing and the Cool Halls of Academe
Hockey is a lot like boxing - close enough that some wags say the two are indistinguishable - and if there are lessons to be learned in boxing, the same lessons are available to be learned in hockey. At any rate, like the author, many of my own life experiences were shaped in the arena, and while my hockey career was completely undistinguished, I would never have traded it for anything. More...

19 novembre 2018

P2P Services in the Clear

P2P Services in the Clear
A huge victory for file sharing. "Peer-to-peer file-sharing services Morpheus and Grokster are legal, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday." The article continues, "The decision is a blow for record labels and movie studios which sued the peer-to-peer operators claiming that the services should be held liable for the copyright infringement of their users." It is refreshing to see a court finally line up with reason. More...

19 novembre 2018

Welcome to VideoPaper Builder 2

Welcome to VideoPaper Builder 2
This interesting item came through DLORN from MERLOT (I would observe that the definition of learning objects being collected by these systems is very loose indeed). More...

19 novembre 2018

Messenger Taps Social Nets

Messenger Taps Social Nets
This is being protrayed as an enterprise story but the technique could - and should - be applied to personal learning. Basically, the idea is that you belong to a social network, and can contact the members by instant messenger. If you send a question to your network, the system examines the profiles of the members and sends it to the person most likely to have the answer. More...

19 novembre 2018

The Design Elements of Web-Based Learning Environments

The Design Elements of Web-Based Learning Environments
The August edition of the International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning is now out. I include three items. This first item is a fairly straight-forward outline of the elements of an online course as can be found in the literature. When reading this, contrast it with the iLEARN example a couple of links down. More...

19 novembre 2018

Some Clarifications About the Commonwealth List

Some Clarifications About the Commonwealth List
Glenn O. Brown responds to the criticisms of the Creative Commonwealth proposal highlighted in this space (and echoed by a number of commentators) last Wednesday. His first point is that "It is never a foregone conclusion that a project in discussion will be adopted by Creative Commons." This gives me some hope. More...

19 novembre 2018

Instructional Technology Institute

Instructional Technology Institute
I will be giving a keynote at this conference the first few days of September hosted by David Wiley (who I'm looking forward to finally meeting) in Logan, Utah. Looks like a great program, opening the first day with a talk by Lawrence Lessig. More...

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