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31 août 2013

Baltic Sea Region University Network (BSRUN)

 Baltic Sea Region University Network (BSRUN) is an umbrella organisation to facilitate and enhance co-operation between the member institutions. It intends to develop bonds of mutual partnership between students, teachers, researchers and administrators of the partner universities. Co-operation links will be developed through mobility and exchange of students, academic staff, administrators, joint projects, and information networks. The link address is:

31 août 2013

PhD: so what does it really stand for? PhD students are the working class of academic research – and paid accordingly – what needs to change? Recently, during some particularly thorough literature research, I stumbled on a list of alternative interpretations of the acronym PhD. Most were funny: protein has degraded, parents have doubts. But one froze my face in a bittersweet grimace: paid half of what I deserve. When I was still a rookie PhD student, I read with outrage an Economist article entitled the disposable academic, which argued that doing a PhD is mostly needless. Lately, I've come to think of the PhD as more of a heavily spicy meal. It doesn't matter how much you enjoy the process, once you're done, you still have half of the pain ahead. Read more...

31 août 2013

Centro Interuniversitario de Desarrollo (CINDA)

 El Centro Interuniversitario de Desarrollo (CINDA) es una corporación internacional sin fines de lucro, integrada por universidades de América Latina y Europa. CINDA, en conjunto con las universidades integradas al Sistema han explorado temas centrales sobre política y gestión universitaria con el interés de poner el conocimiento acumulado al servicio de las políticas públicas y de las instituciones correspondientes. The link address is:

31 août 2013

Nine in 10 graduates found work amid recession . Survey finds 3.2% of class of 2009 unemployed three and a half years after graduating, down on 2007 but up on 2005. Only a tiny percentage of students who graduated at the height of the recession are unemployed, according to a survey. More than eight out of 10 said they were satisfied with their career and two-thirds thought their course had given value for money, the survey of more than 60,000 graduates by the Higher Education Statistics Agency found. About 87% of the class of 2008-09 were in work three and a half years after graduating, 6.7% were engaged in further study and 3.2% were unemployed. Some 7.2% had been jobless six months after they graduated. Read more...

31 août 2013

Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP)

 The Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) aims to provide means wherein universities from the Asia and the Pacific region can work together in providing quality higher education through student and faculty exchanges as well as sharing of information and other resources: strengthening of institutional capacity to serve society; cooperating with other international organizations such as the IAU, UNESCO, ASAIHL and SEAMEO, in promoting national higher education institutions and complementing programs which will assist in the development of member institutions. The link address is:

31 août 2013

Revealing misconceptions: Young people's new approach to politics people's disengagement from political participation has long been a cause for concern. Little interest in and knowledge of political processes, low levels of trust in politicians and growing cynicism towards democratic institutions are often seen as indicators of young people's political apathy. Yet, as a new report prepared by Eurydice researchers shows, it is misleading to think that young people are not interested in politics. In fact, young people generally engage and communicate on political issues even more actively than older adults. They just use different channels.
Young people vote less than older generations. According to the European Social Survey, in 2010, 61 % of young respondents aged 22-29 stated that they voted in the last national elections, as opposed to the 78.1 % of over 30-year-olds. Yet, as Eurobarometer surveys reveal, even though they vote less than older adults, young people do believe – more than older generations – that voting is an effective way of influencing decision-making (at local, national or European levels). This fact, as elaborated in a Youth Report on political participation reveals an interesting paradox between young people’s beliefs and their behaviour: young people do not always participate in the very activities that they believe to be effective. More...

31 août 2013

Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)

 L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) est présente sur tous les continents, avec plus de 427 agents répartis dans 65 implantations rattachées à neuf bureaux. Depuis 1989, cette association d’universités est un opérateur de la Francophonie institutionnelle. Partenaire des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche qui ont choisi le français comme langue d’enseignement, elle propose plusieurs programmes de coopération visant notamment à soutenir la recherche et l’enseignement en français. The link address is:

31 août 2013

University student finances student finances in 2012 - A study of the financial circumstances of domestic and international students in Australia’s universities
9. The financial circumstances of International students
The inclusion of international students in the Universities Australia Student Finances Survey for the first time in 2012 helps to provide a more comprehensive view of the circumstances of the full range of students in Australian universities. A caveat, however: we report on international students and their views and experiences of education in Australia as a single cohort, for our focus is at the national (Australian) level. In reality of course, international students are not an homogenous group. Students’ financial experiences of study in Australia are dependent upon on their country of origin (Table 9.1), the source of their funding for study (for example, whether their scholarships or other support are in home country currency or Australian based) and the rates of exchange between their home country and Australia, quite apart from their familial or personal financial wellbeing. That said, some overall conclusions can be drawn:
- International undergraduates have slightly higher incomes than their domestic counterparts. The mean annual income for international undergraduates is some five per cent higher than that of domestic undergraduates. Postgraduate coursework students’ and higher degree research students’ reported mean annual income, however, is lower than that of domestic students – by 11.4 per cent in the case of postgraduate course students, and 14.6 per cent in the case of research students;
- Students from developing countries with fluctuating currencies or countries that have unfavourable exchange rates with the Australian dollar have been adversely affected by the increased value of the Australian dollar;
- International students feel their financial circumstances are constrained by visa regulations which limit the number of hours they may work (and thus any supplementary income they may earn) during the academic year. Students also express some frustration that (in some states at least)...
Download the Report: University student finances in 2012.

31 août 2013

Association of American Universities (AAU)

 The Association of American Universities is a nonprofit association of 61 U.S. and two Canadian preeminent public and private research universities. Founded in 1900, AAU focuses on national and institutional issues that are important to research-intensive universities, including funding for research, research and education policy, and graduate and undergraduate education. The link address is:

31 août 2013

Collaborative Provision in HE: Enhancing Standards & Quality Speakers:

  • Melinda Drowley, Head of Standards, Quality and Enhancement, QAA
  • Gareth Parry, Professor of Education, University of Sheffield
  • Ann Minton, Senior Workforce Development Fellow, University of Derby
  • Roger Woods, Assistant Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Internationalisation & former Provost of Ningbo campus, University of Nottingham
  • Colin Raban, Emeritus Professor, University of Derby & Director, Academic Quality Management Ltd (Chair)

The Context and Issues:
With universities operating in an environment characterised by heightened student expectations and international expansion, collaborative provision of higher education is coming under serious regulatory scrutiny. What more can HEIs do to ensure existing and prospective partnerships safeguard academic standards, are governed appropriately and dovetail with key institutional objectives?
By attending this Policy and Practice Briefing you will learn about:

  • Strategy: ensuring partnerships serve institutional objectives
  • Key responsibilities: upholding academic standards & the quality of learning
  • Funding: adapting to changes to student number controls & funding
  • Partners: working effectively with private providers & employers
  • Planning: examining business cases, due diligence & risk assessment
  • Fair admissions: recruiting with integrity in an increasingly competitive sector
  • Public knowledge: making information accurate, readily available & appropriate
  • Overseas partners: selecting partners, achieving objectives & avoiding pitfalls
  • Establishing a partnership: how to respond to challenges likely to arise?
  • Private sector involvement: how can universities take advantage of new trends?

Objectives and Outcomes:
Develop your understanding of current and future policy
. The morning session will provide a chance to discuss the latest policy developments affecting collaborative provision of HE.
Learn from organisations that are successfully putting policy into practice. Taking part in the afternoon session will allow you to examine case studies of successful initiatives in detail.
Who Should Attend?
Delegates will be drawn from stakeholders including: universities, colleges, alternative providers, employers, relevant central Government departments and agencies.
Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities:
This Westminster Briefing offers your organisation a platform to profile its services to your target audience and key decision makers. There are a number of packages available, from aligning your organisation alongside the conference as a sponsor to exhibiting at the event. Please contact for details or download a booking form.

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