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31 décembre 2016

Digital education: Pedagogy online Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Teachers in much of the developed world now use smartboards, tablets and student-centred, collaborative and project-based learning. More...

31 décembre 2016

This online software makes learning a new language simpler and more affordable than ever Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. There are a lot of benefits to being bilingual. Besides the obvious social advantages — like traveling with ease and sounding awesome to your unilingual friends — being able to speak more than one language makes you an invaluable asset to employers. More...

31 décembre 2016

10 Most Popular edX Courses in 2016 Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. As the year comes to a close, we take a look back at our ten most popular courses of 2016, as selected by you, our learners. More...

31 décembre 2016

Toys, Education Companies Invest $24 Million in Mobile Gaming Startup Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Several major companies in the toys and games industry have invested in a California-based startup that builds immersive games and content for its flagship iPad accessory. More...

31 décembre 2016

Trending: Online courses in game theory, 3D printing Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. As massive open online courses, or MOOCs, catch on, the number of students registering is climbing by as much as 70% a year, and hallowed institutes that never offered them before — like Oxford University — are opening their doors virtually too. More...

31 décembre 2016

Report: Tech-Savvy K–12 Teachers Will Survive the Age of Automation Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. While artificial intelligence (AI) continues to automate operations across industries like accounting, law and healthcare, machines are unlikely to replace teachers any time soon, according to research from the Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation. More...

31 décembre 2016

Switching Careers: Advice from a Nanodegree Graduate Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Udacity students pursue a wide array of career goals. Many are preparing to launch new careers, while others are switching careers—turning their existing skills and interests in new directions. More...

31 décembre 2016

Digital is Changing Major Aspects of K-12 Education Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. There have been many conversations about the impact of technology on individual schools, but much less about the impact on entire education systems. To address this, Cisco staged five roundtable discussions in Australia to investigate the opportunities presented by digitization. More...

31 décembre 2016

3 Steps to Choose the Right Online Degree Major Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Prospective online students should consider their career goals and virtually connect with an enrollment counselor. More...

31 décembre 2016

Les CV des élèves de l'Inet

Retour à l'accueilUne application présentant les profils des élèves de l'Inet en recherche de stage ou d’emploi est en ligne sur le site de l’Inet. Les candidatures sont classées par concours ou examen, cadres d’emplois, domaines d’activités, promotions. Il est possible pour les collectivités en recherche de candidats, de sélectionner les critères correspondant à leur recherche, de rentrer quelques mots clés (cadre d'emploi, stage ou poste etc...) afin d’accéder aux CV enrichis et actualisés en temps réel par les élèves. Il est également possible de créer son recueil de CV en regroupant les candidats sélectionnés.
Découvrez cette nouvelle application en ligne. Voir l'article...

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