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30 novembre 2012

Royaume-Uni - des milliers d’étudiants étrangers se retrouvent sans visa

Orientations : études, métiers, alternance, emploi, orientations scolairePrès de 26 000 étudiants étrangers seraient à l’heure actuelle sans visa, au Royaume-Uni, rapporte Le Figaro. La raison: du retard pris par l’agence frontalière britannique dans la mise à jour des statuts des étudiants…
Au total, quelque 150 000 changements de statuts étudiants n’auraient pas été mis à jour. Un oubli qui fait le "bonheur" d’une partie des 26 000 étrangers. Car, si pour la plupart d’entre eux, la mise à jour de leur dossier devait être mineure, tel un changement d’adresse, d’autres auraient dû quitter le pays… De nombreux élèves étrangers ont ainsi pu prolonger leur séjour outre-Manche, et éviter pour le moment l’expulsion, malgré leur visa périmé. Suite de l'article...
Directions: education, business, alternately, employment, school guidance Nearly 26,000 students are currently without a visa in the UK, reports Le Figaro. The reason of the delay in the UK Border Agency in updating statutes students...
In total, some 150,000 students status changes were not updated. More...
30 novembre 2012

Net migration to UK falls by a quarter

The Guardian homeBy . ONS figures show net migration fell from 242,000 to 183,000 in past year, driven in part by fewer overseas students.
Net migration to Britain has fallen by a quarter over the past year, from 242,000 to 183,000, the Office for National Statistics has reported.
The decrease is the first fall in the figures since the government set its target to reduce annual net migration to below 100,000 by the next general election. Official statisticians say the fall of nearly 60,000 in the year to March 2012 has been driven by a reduction in the number of overseas students coming to study in Britain and a rise in the number of people leaving Britain with a definite job offer abroad.
The fall in immigration accounts for two-thirds of the drop. It is the largest fall in net migration for four years. Visa applications show the first signs that the official squeeze on family migration has begun to bite. The quarterly migration figures also show for the first time that China is now the second most common country of origin for migrants coming to Britain from outside Europe. Read more...

30 novembre 2012

Mobile #Moodle ready for beta release: feedback welcomed

It has been more than 2 years since the Moodle4iPhone project Unfortunately it was not ready to be officially released, but after additional work from Beto, Carlos and Ludo, the official release will be rolled out in the following weeks.
For all of those interested, we kindly request you to go to and enroll to the course and give us some feedback (at the social forum in order to improve this theme before to make it public for the whole Moodle Community.
Two themes will be released, 1 for mobile devices and the second one for tablets. Read more...
30 novembre 2012

A People’s History of MOOCs

HomeBy Barbara Fister. Massive, open to all, a democratic space that offers people from all walks of life exposure to the greatest thinkers of our time, and while we’re at it, a fabulous branding opportunity - welcome to the nineteenth century municipal public library.
When Boston built its majestic public library in 1895, a grand new home for the first publicly-funded free library established in a major city of the United States, it was meant to evoke Renaissance palaces, but with modern engineering and an American twist. This palace was the people’s, as inscriptions on the building explained: “founded through the munificence and public  spirit of citizens,” “built by the people and dedicated to the advancement of learning.” Carved over the door is a very simple invitation that is also a radical expression of purpose: “Free to All.”  Read more...
30 novembre 2012

Who Should Make Sure Overseas Education Programs Are Worth Their Salt? Jason Lane and Kevin Kinser. Making sure that cross-border higher-education efforts offer quality programs can be a conundrum. The problem is that quality assurance remains centered in nations and defined by political borders. There is no shortage of organizations and proposals to remedy this problem, as we were reminded by the recent announcement of a new International Quality Group sponsored by the U.S.-based Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
But even in Europe, which because of the Bologna Process has been dealing with this issue longer than anyone, countries remain responsible for ensuring the quality of the higher education offered within their borders. Thus, when colleges and universities cross borders to offer their academic programs in a foreign land, they must deal with multiple expectations—and sometimes competing expectations—about how to assure the quality of their programs. Read More ...
30 novembre 2012

OECD suggests stricter accreditation for Chilean universities

All universities should be required to undergo accreditation, OECD says.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recommended that Chile tighten its accreditation process, an area of particular scrutiny lately, in order to improve its higher education system.
The recommendations were part of an OECD report published this month at the request of the Education Ministry, which proposed more rigorous licensing requirements for universities, continuous monitoring of university standards and restructured leadership.
“Chile needs a short-term solution to a long-term problem,” the report read. “The current (quality assurance) system is not working as well as it should.”
The OECD’s recommendations follow a recent scandal among some university directors and the former councilor of the National Accreditation Committee (CNA), Luis Díaz. Read more...

30 novembre 2012

Youth unemployment - Europe's 'lost generation'?

Public Service Europe - European politicsBy Katinka Barysch. Europe's young people are suffering disproportionately in the economic crisis and we must do more to prevent them from becoming 'a lost generation' - says think-tank
Youth unemployment rates in some European Union countries are scandalously high. Many member states are hoping to copy the success of the German apprenticeship system. Although nations should be encouraged to learn from each other, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the job crisis. And many measures will not bite until growth returns. Unemployment among young people has always been higher than general joblessness but the economic crisis has widened the gap further. According to Eurostat, 22 per cent of 15-24 year-olds in the EU are unemployed. In those countries hardest hit by the crisis, such as Greece and Spain, the rate is 50 per cent.
Such figures are shocking but also somewhat misleading. Just like general unemployment statistics, youth unemployment is measured as the share of job-seeking youngsters in all youngsters who are either working or looking for work. But many young people do neither. Millions are in education. Many have simply given up looking for a job. These groups are not captured in youth unemployment statistics, which pushes up the youth unemployment rate. A more accurate indicator of the youth employment crisis is the NEET concept - the total of young people not in employment, education or training.
Last year, Europe had 7.5 million NEETs aged 15 to 24. Extend the age bracket to 29 and the number swells to 14 million – the equivalent of 15 per cent of all young people in the EU. And NEET rates are highest among the South and East European EU countries and lowest in the Nordics, Germany and the Netherlands. In Greece and Bulgaria, almost a quarter of all under 30s are NEET. In Austria and the Netherlands, it is only 5 to 8 per cent. Read more...
30 novembre 2012

Not what it used to be

The EconomistAmerican universities represent declining value for money to their students
face of it, American higher education is still in rude health. In worldwide rankings more than half of the top 100 universities, and eight of the top ten, are American. The scientific output of American institutions is unparalleled. They produce most of the world’s Nobel laureates and scientific papers. Moreover college graduates, on average, still earn far more and receive better benefits than those who do not have a degree.
Nonetheless, there is growing anxiety in America about higher education. A degree has always been considered the key to a good job. But rising fees and increasing student debt, combined with shrinking financial and educational returns, are undermining at least the perception that university is a good investment.
Concern springs from a number of things: steep rises in fees, increases in the levels of debt of both students and universities, and the declining quality of graduates. Start with the fees. The cost of university per student has risen by almost five times the rate of inflation since 1983 (see chart 1), making it less affordable and increasing the amount of debt a student must take on. Between 2001 and 2010 the cost of a university education soared from 23% of median annual earnings to 38%; in consequence, debt per student has doubled in the past 15 years. Two-thirds of graduates now take out loans. Those who earned bachelor’s degrees in 2011 graduated with an average of $26,000 in debt, according to the Project on Student Debt, a non-profit group. Read more...
30 novembre 2012

Une université portugaise crée la polémique à Toulon

Orientations : études, métiers, alternance, emploi, orientations scolaireLes professionnels de la santé ainsi que des étudiants protestent contre l'ouverture d'une université portugaise à Toulon, qui entend délivrer des diplômes en pharmacie et odontologie, sans être tenue de respecter le numerus clausus.
Une filiale de l'université portugaise de Fernando Pessoa (UFP) vient d'ouvrir ses portes en France, du côté de Toulon, depuis le 12 novembre dernier. Jusque-là, tout va bien, si ce n'est peut-être que cette faculté ne reçoit, pour le moment, que 13 étudiants, même si une nouvelle rentrée est annoncée pour janvier. Mais, en réalité, cette ouverture crée une vaste polémique, suscitant la colère aussi bien de professionnels que d'étudiants, qui réclament purement et simplement sa fermeture!
Pas d'obligation de numerus clausus

Et pour cause: établie sur le sol français mais de nationalité portugaise, l'université n'est pas tenue de respecter le fameux numerus clausus, qui définit notamment le nombre d'étudiants admis dans certains cursus - en particulier pour les études de pharmacie, de médecine ou de dentiste -, chaque année. Suite de l'article...
Indicazioni: istruzione, economia, alternativamente, di occupazione, di orientamento scolastico Gli operatori sanitari, nonché di protesta degli studenti contro l'apertura di un'università portoghese a Tolone, che intende rilasciare titoli in farmacia e odontoiatria, senza essere vincolati dalle numerus clausus. Una controllata dell'Università portoghese Fernando Pessoa (UFP) ha aperto i battenti in Francia, vicino a Tolone, dal 12 novembre. Più...
30 novembre 2012

Ne lisez pas l’enquête Masters 2009

Blog Educpros de Pierre Dubois. lisez pas les résultats de la 3ème enquête sur les diplômés de masters obtenus en 2009, parue le 13 novembre 2012. Elle présente les mêmes défauts et la même inutilité que celle de l’an dernier. Absence de communiqué de Geneviève Fioraso. J’évite de me fatiguer à écrire la même chose qu’un an plus tôt! Et donc, ci-dessous copie de la chronique de l’an dernier et de ses “explications de texte”.
“Ne lisez pas les résultats de la 2ème enquête sur les diplômés de masters obtenus en 2008 (situation au 1er décembre 2010). Ils sont donnés université par université, pour 4 grands types de discipline, chacune d’entre elles comportant plusieurs sous-disciplines. 4 indicateurs sont retenus pour mesurer la qualité du devenir professionnel: taux d’insertion, taux de cadres et de professions intermédiaires, taux d’emplois stables, taux d’emplois à temps plein.
Ne lisez pas les résultats de l’enquête. L’indicateur “taux d’emploi à temps plein” ne sert à rien. Le “taux de cadres et de professions intermédiaires” est un fort mauvais indicateur: depuis qu’existe la nomenclature des niveaux de formation (début des années 70), le statut attendu pour un diplômé de bac+5 est celui de cadre et non celui de profession intermédiaire; la fusion des deux catégories masque des déclassements. Et surtout, il manque, comme l’an dernier, un cinquième indicateur, le salaire! C’est bien sûr l’indicateur le plus important. Mais l’incomplétude des indicateurs ne suffirait pas pour décider de jeter l’enquête de la DGESIP à la poubelle. Il y a d’autres problèmes!
Ne lisez pas … car les résultats en ligne ne permettent pas de mesurer la qualité du devenir professionnel des diplômés 2008. Pourquoi? Parce que la méthodologie de l’enquête a “éliminé” la majorité d’entre eux. Combien de diplômés de master en 2008? L’indicateur 8.18 des RERS 2010 donne la réponse: 22.140 diplômés de masters “recherche”, 65.221 de masters “professionnels”, 7.069 de masters “indifférenciés”, soit un total de 94.430 diplômés. Suite de l'article...
Blog Educpros Pierre Dubois. Μην διαβάσετε τα αποτελέσματα της τρίτης έρευνας των αποφοίτων των πλοιάρχων που επιτεύχθηκε το 2009, που δημοσιεύθηκε 13, Νοεμβρίου, 2012. Έχει τα ίδια ελαττώματα και το ίδιο άχρηστο σε σχέση με πέρυσι. Δεν ειδήσεις Genevieve Fioraso. Αποφεύγω να κουραστικό να γράψω το ίδιο πράγμα πριν από ένα χρόνο! Και έτσι κάτω από ένα αντίγραφο του χρονικού πέρυσι και «κείμενο εξήγηση" του.
"Μην διαβάσετε τα αποτελέσματα της δεύτερης έρευνας των αποφοίτων των πλοιάρχων που λαμβάνονται το 2008 (την 1η Δεκεμβρίου 2010). Τους δίνονται από το πανεπιστήμιο κολέγιο για τέσσερις κύριους τύπους πειθαρχίας, το καθένα με πολλές υπο-ειδικότητες. Τέσσερις δείκτες που χρησιμοποιούνται για τη μέτρηση της ποιότητας του να γίνει επαγγελματίας: ποσοστό εισαγωγής, το frame rate και ενδιάμεσα επαγγέλματα, τα ποσοστά απασχόλησης σταθερό επιτόκιο της πλήρους απασχόλησης. Περισσότερα...
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