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30 avril 2015

100% future-proof

100 Under 50 Rankings 2015 results - Times Higher EducationOne Australian institution is producing a generation of graduates fully prepared for the workplaces of today and tomorrow, writes Attila Brungs.
The University of Technology, Sydney seeks to apply creativity and innovation to all its endeavours. Although not yet 30 years old, it has a bold vision: to become a world-leading university of technology. More...

30 avril 2015

Spring in their step

100 Under 50 Rankings 2015 results - Times Higher EducationNew universities’ flexibility, chutzpah and willingness to innovate offer many advantages over older competitors, argues Brian MacCraith.

“Youth is nimble, Age is lame;
Youth is hot and bold, Age is weak and cold;
Youth is wild and Age is tame”
William Shakespeare (attributed)

There are many challenges facing university leaders today. These include the increasing cost of higher education; technology’s manifold effects on learning; globalisation; the pressure to prepare graduates for a rapidly changing, knowledge-based society; and greater student mobility. More...

30 avril 2015

Red shift favours the East

100 Under 50 Rankings 2015 results - Times Higher EducationThe 100 Under 50 is the only Times Higher Education global ranking where the Asia-Pacific region outperforms the traditionally dominant Western powerhouses of North America and Europe, a fact that suggests a bright future for the rising Eastern powers. This spider graph shows the collective performance of the East (red) against the West (blue) in all five of our assessment categories: teaching (the learning environment); research (volume, income and reputation); citations (research influence); international outlook (staff, students and research); and industry income (innovation). Top performers are highlighted in each category. More...

30 avril 2015

Dynamic characters

100 Under 50 Rankings 2015 results - Times Higher EducationThe 100 Under 50 universities are marked by their energy, innovation and fearless approach to the future, write Phil Baty and Katie Duncan.
Australia has overtaken the UK to become the number one nation in the Times Higher Education 100 Under 50 Rankings 2015. More...

30 avril 2015

But to be young is very heaven

100 Under 50 Rankings 2015 results - Times Higher EducationThe 100 Under 50 universities are agile, dynamic and free from the burden of history, writes Phil Baty.
An illustrious past can confer great contemporary advantages on traditional universities and signal a great future: such august institutions have had many centuries to accumulate wealth and property; they are often the custodians of national treasures and sit at the social and cultural heart of great cities; they have had time to build deep networks of loyal alumni ambassadors, sustained over the generations; and they enjoy rich traditions of teaching and scholarship – with enduring reputations to match. More...

30 avril 2015

Times Higher Education 100 Under 50 Rankings 2015

100 Under 50 Rankings 2015 results - Times Higher EducationFive french universities in the Times Higher Education 100 Under 50 Rankings 2015.

10 Paris-Sud University France
11 Pierre and Marie Curie University France
17 Paris Diderot University - Paris 7  France
36 Montpellier University                    France
65 Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 France

Paris-Sud University
One of the largest universities in France, housing over 27,000 students, Paris XI is known predominantly for its scientific exploits. It boasts two Nobel Prize winners, both in Physics, and has world-renowned laboratories for particle, nuclear and molecular physics, among other disciplines. It has also prospered in mathematics with numerous French Fields Medal winners hailing from the university.

Pierre and Marie Curie University
France's largest medical and scientific complex was set up in 1971 following the break-up of the old University of Paris, although it can trace its roots back to 1109 and the Abbey of St Victor. With 120 research units on 33 sites, it has a 30,000-strong student body, including 3,500 doctoral students, which is served by around 3,250 academics.

Paris Diderot University - Paris 7
Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 is a multidisciplinary institution in the French capital. It has about 26,000 students, 6,000 of them international, around 2,000 researchers and some 1,400 teaching and research staff.

Montpellier University
Data refer to Montpellier 2 University, which merged with Montpellier 1 University to become Montpellier University in January 2015. The university has more than 15,000 students and around 1,450 members of staff. It is a multidisciplinary university with eight faculties and a particular focus on sciences and technological research. In 2010 it commanded a budget of 201.1 million.

Claude Bernard University Lyon 1
Formed in the early 1970s, the institution, which accommodates around 35,000 students, has established itself as one of France's largest universities. Some 80 per cent of its students study vocationally (in the fields of science, technology, health sciences and teacher training), enabling them to find appropriate work post-graduation. With 5,000 staff on 13 sites, it is also one of the biggest employers in the Rhône-Alpes region.

30 avril 2015

Times Higher Education 100 Under 50 Rankings 2015

100 Under 50 Rankings 2015 results - Times Higher EducationThe Times Higher Education 100 Under 50 Rankings 2015 is a ranking of the top 100 universities under 50 years old. It provides a glimpse into the future, showcasing not those institutions with centuries of history, but the rising stars which show great potential. The table employs the same 13 separate indicators as the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, but the 100 Under 50 Rankings 2015 methodology has been carefully re-calibrated to reflect the special characteristics of younger universities, giving less weight to subjective indicators of academic reputation.

30 avril 2015

Microsoft et l'open source

Logo AmueLe journal du Net revient sur le développement de la stratégie Open Source du groupe Microsoft depuis 2012. En effet, depuis cette date, le groupe a créé une nouvelle structure totalement dédiée à ce domaine : Microsoft Open Technologies, ou plutôt MS Open Tech. Une entité indépendante avec un seul objectif : développer du code open source afin d'implémenter les standards ouverts dans les produits Microsoft, mais aussi porter des projets open source.
En savoir + :: Microsoft fait sa révolution open source

30 avril 2015

Entretien avec Michel Serres

Logo AmueA lire sur le, une interview de Michel Serres, philosophe et membre de l'Académie française, auteur de « Petite poucette » paru en 2012, dans lequel il donnait une vision optimiste des transformations provoquées par le numérique.
En savoir + :: Michel Serres : «La question est de savoir qui sera le dépositaire de nos données»

30 avril 2015

Combien d’étudiants en 2023 ?

Logo AmueLe MENESR publie une note d’information présentant les projections des effectifs dans l'enseignement pour 2023. Si les tendances en termes d'orientation, de poursuite d'études et de démographie se prolongeaient, les effectifs étudiants augmenteraient de 9% entre 2013 et 2023.
En savoir + :: Projections des effectifs dans l'enseignement supérieur pour les rentrées de 2014 à 2023

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