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30 septembre 2018

Arabic Podcasts Find a Growing Audience

Al Fanar

Podcasts, digital audio series that can be downloaded and listened to through a smartphone, are becoming increasingly common in the Arab region. More...

30 septembre 2018

Magazine in Greece Rejects Labels about Refugees

Al Fanar

When more than one million Syrian and other refugees poured into Southern Europe a few years ago, many Greeks rebuffed them, embracing nationalist, anti-immigration politicians or applauding officials who would usher the newcomers on their way to Germany and other countries. More...

30 septembre 2018

Egypt Prescribes Changes for Doctors in Training

Al Fanar

Future doctors in Egypt will complete their basic medical-education course work in five years instead of six, and then will get two years of clinical training instead of just one, under a system that will be phased in at all of the country’s medical schools, at both public and private universities, starting next week. More...

30 septembre 2018

‘Reconciliation Studies’ Seeks Inroads In Arab Region

Al Fanar

Although academic courses in reconciliation studies have been gaining ground at universities around the world in recent years, “they are still relatively absent from the academic curricula of universities in the Middle East and North Africa,” according to Martin Leiner, a professor of theology at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany. More...

30 septembre 2018

Keeping an Eye on Blindness, A Regional Issue

Al Fanar

This city on the central coast of Tunisia lies in the heart of the country’s tourism economy. Five-star, all-inclusive resorts have been built en masse to house the European tourists who descend on the sandy beaches during the summer months. More...

30 septembre 2018

Extension Engine and OPM Market Transparency

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . A couple of weeks ago, our response to Open SUNY's Request for Information (RFI) on Online Program Management services (OPMs), we published an abridged version of our response on our company website and wrote a post about our observations here on e-Literate. Since, then, ExtensionEngine has followed suit. More...

30 septembre 2018

The Empirical Educator Project’s First Public Collaboration

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . It is almost exactly the six-month anniversary of the Empirical Educator Project's (EEP's) first annual summit at Stanford University. The thesis behind EEP is simple: We believe that one of the biggest barriers to increasing student access and success in US higher education is a failure to communicate. More...

30 septembre 2018

Noodle Partners and the Boundary of the OPM Product Category

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . If you spend some time browsing the Google News search results for 'OPM "revenue share"', you'll find one industry figure who seems nearly ubiquitous, particularly in pieces by general audience news outlets: John Katzman. More...

30 septembre 2018

The Boundaries OPM and What Lies Beyond: The SUNY Example

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . OPM is a service in which the vendor actively manages at least some substantial subset of a full online program  for some significant period of time. As in multiple years. More...

30 septembre 2018

Can Pearson Sell Efficacy?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . Almost five years ago, when Pearson announced that the company would reorganize itself around efficacy, I was impressed by the degree to which the company was going "all in" on a very much unproven strategy. It was incredibly bold. More...

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