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31 janvier 2014

An Exploratory Study of Emotional Affordance of a Massive Open Online Course Jeremy C.Y. Cheng [], The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong []. This exploratory study examines emotional affordance of a massive open online course (MOOC). Postings in a discussion forum of a MOOC in computer science are analysed following a research design informed by virtual ethnography. Emotional affordance is investigated, focusing on non-achievement emotions which are not directly linked to achievement activities or outcomes. The study identifies two non-achievement emotions in the MOOC. First, altruistic emotion evolves with the collaborative learning community and possibly compensates for teachers’ minimal emotional intervention in a large, diverse class. Second, intergenerational emotional resonance is observed and this bears a key implication on managing age diversity for the future MOOCs. More...

31 janvier 2014

Vision, Mission and Goals


  • Providing high-quality instruction at very low cost to a multitude of people encompassing atleast 50% of Indian Higher Edu  institutions (34K colleges /645 Universities), 25 % of Vocational Segment as well used as the “tool” for lifelong learning enrichment  by 2020.
  • Essence of Meta University picks up allowing students to take up multiple courses of their interest.  Connects /Touch points created with end beneficiaries via learning hubs for F2F interaction. A financial biz model would emerge for providing these services.


  • While MOOC’s will be popular from a viewing/consumption perspective, concept of learning hubs (could be colleges or prep centres too) catering to small  groups would evolve – where community teachers/subject matter experts/domain specialists would assist in clarifying doubts or conduct a discussion or help in taking an assessment in a proctored environment.
  • Conducive Govt. policy where initiatives like NPTEL and NKN made more robust and augmented with content from top faculty and institutions. Uniform guidelines for conduct of MOOC’s for Level 100 (Base Level) across all technical institutions. Irrespective of language, localization and contextualization of content would be feasible
  • Non-traditional entities may begin to offer MOOC’s for people who want to learn a specific subject – example museums on Indology or a World Bank/UNDP like body on Policy Making, etc.  Specialist firms of learning analytics would crop up who would provide inputs to stakeholders on content, learning, pedagogy and assessment.
  • Cross Collaboration of Industry Association/ Sector Skills Council to endorse skills acquired by graduates of MOOCs. Paid models of certification to assess knowledge would materialize and trend towards global alliances with traditional universities.
31 janvier 2014

The Great Indian MOOC- Vision, Mission, Goals


By 2025 make the Indian MOOC an institution of choice for Learners locally and globally.


Man: Create a pool of education technologists, evangelists and hobbyists to make available, educate and propagate the Indian MOOC.

Machine: Provision of state of the art infrastructure and services through federated shared service set-ups that support and promote MOOC participants- teachers and students alike.

Material: Quality assured digital content creation with language translations for courses to enhance reach to all regions of the nation.

Money : Provision of committed finances to the upkeep and development of the platform from 2015-2020, with view of becoming self-sustaining entity

Method: Policy that helps provision and recognise MOOC course credits and transfer of credits. An entity/governance structure (NLC?) that brings university- industry closer and creates a brand for Indian MOOC for global recognition.The entity is accountable for delivering the Vision and Mission through a portfolio of programs and projects.

31 janvier 2014

MOOC Vision Mission Goals

VisionGauche: No learning without learning outcome guarantees

Mission: Enable every learner to achieve learning outcomes through access to the most appropriate teacher & learning process


In 5 years every Indian higher education student should be able to achieve predictable learning outcomes

In 5 years every Indian higher education student should have access to the most appropriate teacher & learning process

31 janvier 2014

The Literacies for MOOCs

Often the debate has been that MOOCs require a fairly advanced/evolved level of maturity for the learner. This is an old debate. But here is a gem from Stephen Downes as he responds to Clark Quinn...
Now this is one real way to think about the literacies and their evolution for a learner in a MOOC. By being in a MOOC, by imbibing and practicing the techniques of more “experienced” learners and devising your own, you evolve to a higher level of capability in your learning. which is also why the network is so important. “Good” networks will help you evolve faster, while “bad” networks will demotivate and confound you. “Good” practices will help you achieve your personal goals and “bad” practices will affect you. What you and the network do will affect each other in positive and negative ways...

31 janvier 2014

MOOCs- Vision & Goals for India


  • By 2020, MOOC shall significantly impact (directly or indirectly) the higher education space , shall penetrate 100% of higher- ed institutions and will touch close to 30 -40% of the higher- ed learners.
  • By 2030, MOOC shall penetrate all learners across schools, higher-ed, vocational, corporate and at home to become the prime learning/education-delivery vehicle.


  • Based on detailed educational data mining and learning analytics build deeper understanding about Indian learners (incl. learning behaviour, learner types etc.) and teaching style (effective pedagogy, engaging delivery)
  • Solve average learners’ learning motivation problem – move learning from current supply based model to completely demand oriented model
  • Translate in depth learner – learning understanding to make education delivery truly personalized
  • Give India a truly quality focused – scalable educational model with active partnership of all stakeholders – learners, parents, teachers, administrators – institutions (private as well as govt.), Industry associations and Govt. (state and central)
31 janvier 2014

MOOC Vision Inputs

By Rajesh Pankaj, FICCI

By 2030, India’s Massive Open and Online courses ( MOOCs) started by several elite universities should collectively enroll 60% of world’s entire student population (FICCI-E&Y Vision Document on Higher Education 2030)

Mission & Goals

  1. The existing regulatory and policy framework to be extended to accommodate MOOCs as a part of mainstream higher education in India which in due course shall need to branch out into a robust policy framework for MOOCs alone.
  2. Achieving a standardized course curriculum for specific MOOCs courses across institutions which may be further customized depending on the needs, requirements and competency level of the learner.
  3. In the short run, to set up alliances between institutions and industry for at least 5 MOOCs.
  4. Industry in collaboration with institutions / universities to create a system where MOOCs becomes an acceptable toll gate for students aspiring for rewarding jobs in industry.
  5. Engage telecom operators and Mobile app development companies to develop robust and workable apps which shall significantly enhance access and penetration of MOCCs.
  6. Evolve a strong and sustainable business model for MOOCs
31 janvier 2014

Mindmap of thoughts so far

What are MOOCs?

I have started on a mindmap using Perhaps we can develop this out further.


31 janvier 2014

Driving the Success of MOOCs – Role of Industry Associations

By Rajesh Pankaj. Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs have been a hotly debated and oft discussed topic in the higher education circles. According to the Oxford Dictionary, MOOCs is defined as “A course of study made available over the Internet without charge to a very large number of people.” This essentially means that a student sitting in the remotest corner of the globe but with access to a computer and a fairly high speed internet connection can have access to courses being run at the most prestigious universities of the world like Stanford, Harvard, MIT and others of their league. Further, these courses are absolutely free of charge and are specifically designed courses which can cater to a niche of students and has no bars on factors like age, etc. While it is true that a vast number of Universities have started offering at least one online course, speculation is rife about it being successful in the long run. More...

31 janvier 2014

Towards Teacher-led Design Inquiry of Learning

By Valérie Emin-Martinez, Cecilie Hansen, María Jesús Rodríguez Triana, Barbara Wasson, Yishay Mor, Mihai Dascalu, Rebecca Ferguson, Jean-Philippe Pernin. This paper proposes “teacher-led design inquiry of learning” as a new model of educational practice and professional development. This model combines four existing models. It integrates teacher inquiry into student learning, learning design, and Learning analytics, and aims to capture the essence of the synergy of these three fields.
Furthermore, we identify how Learning Analytics and the integrated model inform each other and could help integrating Learning Analytics into teachers’ practice.

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