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30 novembre 2013


OpenClassrooms is the first French e-Education platform including a large community with more than 2 million visitors per month, 600,000 users and nearly 800 courses. 
This young French innovative start-up was founded by Mathieu Nebra when he was only 13-year-old. In 1999, he started to write a first course. Soon, the website brought together teachers and students around high-quality courses: free, open and accessible to all.
URL OpenClassrooms.
30 novembre 2013

10 Reasons Why You Should Think About eLearning Employee Training

How can you be sure that your company has future? Invest in the assets!
And what is the most valuable asset of the company? Employees! 
According to Bersin & Associates’ 2013 Corporate Learning Factbook , the US companies spend around $706 on training per each employee, from $200 to $3000 depending on the industry. In comparison with last year, the spending increased by 12%. The fact testifies that most companies realized the impact of employee training on company’s success and prosperity. More...

30 novembre 2013

Yes, I can! ICT and ICT-AT skills development for all

VIPI and ATLEC, two European lifelong learning projects, will celebrate their final symposium in Brussels on 4 December, 2013, where they will present their outcomes within a wider framework of learning, employment and independent living for people with disabilities. Both projects are complementary, as VIPI focuses on the development of skills in ICT for (young) adults with disabilities and ATLEC on skills and competences in ICT based Assistive Technologies. More...

30 novembre 2013

Lifelong Learning Week

At this year's Lifelong Learning Week, from 2-6 December 2013, organizers EUCIS-LLL will launch their Manifesto for the European elections. The upcoming European Elections will be a general focus for this week. Many events will take place in order to to provide ideas on how to modernise education and training systems in Europe. The events will take place in the European Parilament in Brussels. Lifelong Learning Week. More...

30 novembre 2013

How entrepreneurial is your university? HEInnovate can tell you

At the "Innovation in Higher Education" event on 18 November 2013, the European Commission launched a new self-assessment tool for higher education institutions to evaluate how entrepreneurial they are. The event was moderated by Mr. Xavier Prats Monne, Deputy Director General of DGEAC. 
Mr. Prats Monne gave the opening address, which was followed by a panel discussion. The full programme is available online. Many of the attendees live tweeted the event.

30 novembre 2013

Teaching a MOOC requires patience and “bricolage”

What is it like to teach a massive open online course (MOOC)? In a recent interview with Open Education Europa, Dr. Sian Bayne from the University of Edinborough talks about her experiences.
Dr. Sian Bayne is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education and Associate Dean in the College of Humanities and Social Science at the University of Edinburgh. She is a member of the academic team running the E-learning and digital cultures MOOC through Coursera. More...

30 novembre 2013

As the growth of MOOCs accelerates, the field is “rapidly fragmenting”

Five years after the first massive open online course (MOOC) was launched, there are over 300 MOOCs in Europe and over 700 outside of Europe. Furthermore, these numbers are growing. 
“I think a big challenge for academia is in working through notions of MOOC pedagogy and working as creatively as we can with the idea of how we deliver teaching at such massive scale,” said Dr. Bayne. She noted that some of the distinctions within the field are losing their validity. MOOCs are often classified as either xMOOCs (content-oriented) or cMOOCs (process-oriented), but there are now many courses that either breach the two camps or that do not fit into either one
. More...

30 novembre 2013

Where are the student voices in the open education discourse?

In the rampant discussion around MOOCs and open education in general, the voices of learners are noticeably missing. Considering that many open learning platforms (notably cMOOCs) rely on student contributions, this silence is surprising.
Hybrid Pedagogy, a digital education journal, is addressing this issue on two fronts. Firstly, they have hosted chats on Twitter about learners’ experiences and participation in open learning environments. In addition, Hybrid Pedagogy recently published an e-book containing personal accounts from 10 MOOC participants about their experiences as open online learners. More...

30 novembre 2013

Where is the best place to be a teacher? The Global Teacher Status Index ranks 21 countries

According to the Global Teacher Status Index, European teachers enjoy less respect from students than in other regions. The index ranks 21 countries from around the world based on the status, pay, and agency of their teachers.
Student performance is measured on various scales across the globe, such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) or the OECD’s Education at a Glance report, and the results of these studies have a big impact on investment in education. The status of teachers, however, is much less understood. When teachers have a higher status, higher quality candidates are drawn to the profession. The Varkey GEMS Foundation conducted a study with 1000 respondents in 21 countries to create the Global Teacher Status Index in order to better measure, compare, and understand the status of teachers across the globe. The index comprises three dimensions: teacher status, perceptions of teacher reward, and teacher agency and control. More...

30 novembre 2013

Ireland's new National Institute for Digital Learning aims to capitalize on the digital education revolution

The new National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) has opened its doors at Dublin City University. The Institute aims to provide new online and blended learning opportunities for students both at DCU and at the national level.
The NIDL was launched by Mr. Ruairi Quinn, Irish Minister for Education and Skills, on November 28, 2013.
“The area of Digital Learning is one which is exploding with potential at the moment,” he said, according to the DCU news release. “Ireland has been caught behind the curve of the digital revolution which is transforming society … I hope that the creation of the National Institute of Digital Learning in DCU will begin to change this landscape.” More...

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