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31 mai 2013

Vae Retro Curriculum Vitae ? AYER, consultant international sera à Nantes le 13 juin au salon des "quadras Quinquas"et prononcera une conférence à l'occasion de la sortie de son récent ouvrage "Vae Retro Curriculum Vitae?"
« Une carrière professionnelle est rarement linéaire, changement de poste, de fonction, d’entreprises, voire de nos jours de métiers.
Les points les plus sensibles se situent lors des ruptures majeures surtout lorsqu’elles se produisent sur le tard.
Le curriculum vitae est le support incontournable dans un processus de recrutement, encore faut-il rentrer dans ce processus qui n’est pas celui d’un examen, mais d’un concours, où il n’y a qu’un seul lauréat…! ». réalistes, le CV n’est pas le support idéal pour rentrer dans la compétition, l’auteur dévoile dans cet ouvrage la démarche suivie par des cadres et des dirigeants qui se sont redéployés en s’inscrivant de manière enthousiaste dans une campagne innovante de « Promotion de leurs Talents » en utilisant une « FlashBiographie® ».
Dans cet ouvrage Jean Pierre AYER, président de High Potential Resources, apporte une vision, réaliste et dépouillée d’artifices du contexte actuel de l’emploi des cadres et dirigeants salariés, ainsi que des solutions leur permettant de rebondir rapidement lorsque cela devient nécessaire.
Les outils délivrés dans les chapitres, sont issus de son expérience de conseil auprès de nombreuses multinationales et de directeur à la CEGOS où il a accompagné la réussite de plusieurs dizaines de consultants.
Cet ouvrage est également émaillé d’exemples tirés du vécu des ressources de talents présentes chez HPR  qui ont su utiliser avec profit le dispositif de portage salarial de troisième génération, mis en place dans cette structure, pour vivre de manière pérenne leur poursuite d’activité.
Le lecteur trouvera donc ici, un guide pratique pour écrire sa biographie et mener une campagne de redéploiement efficace. Il pourra, en ligne, consolider son profil de personnalité à l’aide de l’autodiagnostic « DEFI Consultant® »  et s’approprier de nombreux outils pour développer des relations riches et fructueuses avec son entourage tant professionnel que personnel. Peter AYER, beidh comhairleoir idirnáisiúnta a bheith i Nantes 13 Meitheamh cothrom "daichidí sna caogaidí" agus léacht ar ócáid an scaoileadh a leabhar le déanaí a sheachadadh "VAE Retro Lean?" Níos mó...
31 mai 2013

ALICE: Creative Intergenerational Learning learning (IL) aims to improve dialogue among generations through civic participation in common social and institutional spaces, and carry out informal learning of key competences for lifelong learning, both by adults and children. IL has as its goal fostering social cohesion. Contemporary European society needs social cohesion that is built on the basis of a new integrated and complex dimension of social tissue, where diversity (among cultures, age, gender) is considered an opportunity. 

“Adults Learning for Intergenerational Creative Experiences” (ALICE) focuses this idea in a non-traditional way in order to:
-help adults, senior citizen and volunteers to reflect and acquire competences necessary to become effective educators, and the impact their actions can have on future learning of children.
-provide adults, senior citizen and volunteers with creative languages  to generate opportunities for intergenerational learning;

-train adult's trainers to adopt ALICE methodological approach, becoming aware of the role that adult's as educator can have on social cohesion, and hence, re-considering the value of adult's training institutions.
ALICE project is possible thanks to the common work of 6 institutions in 5 countries and the support of the European Commission (Lifelong Learning Programme, subprogramme GRUNDTVIG). See the Website.

31 mai 2013

“We need to educate more people all their lives and we can’t do it using the elite model developed in the past” Fred Mulder, UNESCO Chair holder in Open Educational Resources (OER) at the Open Universiteit in the Netherlands and former Rector of OUNL, and Dr. Rory McGreal, UNESCO Chair holder in OER and professor at Athabasca University, recently stopped by Rome to deliver keynote addresses at the LINQ2013 conference.
Learning Papers has recently launched an issue on MOOCs. What is your opinion about this phenomenon?
I think MOOCs are an interesting phenomenon that gained a lot of media attention recently. This attention can help make OER mainstream in education and get OER in the policies of governments. MOOCs are still in an infancy stage and they can further develop in various ways in the future, but I think they can anyway help reach this ultimate OER goal.
I am very excited about MOOCs. We were involved with the first MOOCs that came out in Canada and George Siemens, one of the founders of the MOOC concept, is one of our faculty members. I have been supporting scalable education nearly all of my professional life and I think the major challenge for the 21st century is how we educate people around the world who are capable of a university education and just don’t have access, which is an issue not only in the developing world, but even in Canada and in Europe. We need to educate more people all their lives and we cannot do it using the elite model that we have developed in the past. Read more...
31 mai 2013

Join us in the current debate about MOOCs! in the challenges and future of MOOCs? We invite you to join this new online community and become an active actor on this ongoing and vibrant global discussion.
The recently launched MOOCs and Beyond community aims to analyse the role of these massive courses in the educational world and highlight and further explore the differences between the MOOCs learning experience and more traditional ones.
Is there a future for MOOCs in Europe? Will this historical movement in Open Education have a lasting resonance in the digital age? To what extent can MOOCs engage users socially? How well can they promote entrepreneurship education?
Discuss, share experiences and find out more about the possibilities of this challenging learning and teaching experience in the new free online community.
To join today “MOOCs and Beyond” just click here.
31 mai 2013

ICELW 12 June 2013 - 14 June 2013.
ICELW works to improve online learning so that it makes a measurable difference in workplace performance and morale. Anyone with an interest or background in workplace eLearning is invited to attend and participate in the conference, which will take place in New York City from the 12-14 of June 2013.
The ICELW program cover a variety of topics relating to e-learning in the workplace and the use of technology to improve job performance, in the form of demonstrations, mini-seminars, case studies, interviews, debates, presentations, and panel discussions.
Anyone with an interest in these topics —researchers, educators, e-learning consultants, specialists, corporate trainers, managers, directors—is welcome to attend and participate.
Columbia University
2960 Broadway, New York, NY, United States 6.6 mi N
31 mai 2013

19th EUNIS Congress - ICT Role for Next Generation Universities EUNIS Congress - ICT Role for Next Generation Universities. 11 June 2013 - 14 June 2013.
The 19th edition of the EUNIS Congress is an ICT conference centered on the theme of higher education in Europe, which will be held in Riga (Latvia) from the 11-14 of June 2013. EUNIS 2013 is the 19th congress in a series of conferences aimed at audiences from higher educational institutes. The following keynote speeches will be the centerpiece of this year's event:
"MOOCs - Inflection Point for Higher Education?"
  • Richard Katz (President at Richard N. Katz & Associates) -
  • "IT Leadership and Governance for Next Generation University"
  • Voldemar A. Innus (Owner and principal of VAI Consulting, Pendleton, NY, USA) -
  • "Innovation, incubation and the future of ICT in support of the academic mission"
  • Ian Dolphin (Executive Director at Sakai Foundation)
  • "The CIO and Finding the Future Technology Ecosystem Fit For Your Organization"
  • Dr.Jan-Martin Lowendahl (Research Vice President at Gartner, Higher Education Strategies)
  • "Opening Up Education – The European Commission initiative towards more ICT and OER in Education and Training Systems in Europe"
  • Ricardo Ferreira (Policy Officer at European Commission)
  • "Technological Tools for distance Collaborations"
  • Greg Palmer (Executive Director at University of Pennsylvania, MAGPI (the Mid-Atlantic Gigapop in Philadelphia for Internet2))
  • "Current status of Open Source and Kuali for administrative systems and the “Marketecture of Community”"
  • Jennifer L. Foutty (Executive Director at Kuali Foundation)
  • "Management Trends in Educational Institutions"
  • Greg Mathers (RTU Riga Business School,Director of Accel Performance Consulting)
  • "TERENA initiatives and the future of online video in Higher Education"
  • Vicente Goyanes (Head of IT-Media technical assistance for University of Vigo & Campus do Mar, member of the TERENA Technical Committee and the Opencast Boarda)
Exhibition Center BT1, Riga Technical University Campus
Kaļķu iela 1, Rīga, LV-1658, Latvia.
31 mai 2013

VIII Conferência Internacional de TIC na educação – Challenges 2013 Conferência Internacional de TIC na educação – Challenges 2013 - 15 July 2013 - 16 July 2013. Braga, Portugal. VIII Conferência Internacional de TIC na educação – Challenges 2013.
Aprender a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar é um desiderato essencial de qualquer sociedade moderna e assume-se como tema integrador da VIII Conferência Internacional de TIC na educação – Challenges 2013, prosseguindo a linha de promoção, reflexão e divulgação das práticas de inovação e aprendizagem com as TIC que tem orientando as edições das “Challenges”.
Numa sociedade em que a aprendizagem e o conhecimento se configuram cada vez mais como realidades em permanente desenvolvimento e mutação Learning anytime, anywhere / Aprender a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar configura-se como um novo paradigma educacional fortemente ancorado nas tecnologias digitais e em rede que progressivamente integram os ecossistemas de aprendizagem. É neste contexto que vos convidamos a estar connosco nesta oitava edição das conferências “Challenges” a ter lugar em 15 e 16 de julho de 2013 na Universidade do Minho, refletindo, partilhando e discutindo os resultados da investigação em TIC na educação, na procura de novas agendas de investigação, de intervenção e de consolidação do conhecimento.
Numa organização do Centro de Competência em TIC na Educação do Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho, a conferência desenvolver-se-á abarcando uma pluralidade de temáticas, organizadas em torno de três eixos principais:
  • Ambientes emergentes
  • O digital e o currículo
  • Avaliação digital

No eixo “Ambientes emergentes” incluem-se os contributos que visam discutir as mais recentes inovações tecnológicas procurando linhas de desenvolvimento futuro nas suas dimensões relacionadas com a educação e a formação.

31 mai 2013

Welcome to ePIC 2013, the 11th ePortfolio and Identity Conference media (digital, social and mobile) is transforming the landscape of identity, education and employment. The centralised, top-down, mass media model on which most of our institutions are based is facing assaults from the emerging decentralised, bottom-up, networked, agile social  knowledge media. While old  power centres are being challenged, new ones are emerging: they are based on the systematic collection, analyse and exploitation of the mass of data produced in our daily life. And we are busily coding our actions and thoughts for Google and Facebook to monetise them. In this context, how can we create the conditions for the emancipation of individuals towards a truly open society?
To reflect the need to address those issues, the  tittle of ePIC 2013 is Open Me!
Open ePortfolios, Open Badges and Open Identities will be among the key discussions.
Join us at ePIC 2013, the 11th ePortfolio and Identity Conference, 8-9-10 July 2013, at the IET, Savoy Place, London.
31 mai 2013

DIVERSE 2013 2013 - 26 June 2013 - 28 June 2013. Universität Osnabrück.
DIVERSE is the leading conference regarding all aspects of video and videoconferencing in education: teaching, research, management, etc. This includes the convergence of these technologies; the emergence of new possibilities such as “presence production” for learning, interactive television, virtual reality and computer games techniques, and handheld access to moving images.”
Since the beginning of this conference in Derby England 2001 DIVERSE has been intended for anyone interested in embedding video and video communication (conferencing) technologies within educational practice: teachers, technical support staff, researchers, staff and educational developers and project managers.
31 mai 2013

RUOA survey survey on the setting up of territorial cooperation structures in HE and research.
The Network of Universities of the Western Atlantic (RUOA), a French non-profit organisation, has been running a project entitled “EU benchmark of interuniversity cooperation structures”.
As part of this initiative, 25 subnational and crossborder cooperation structures from Western Europe have taken part in a survey between July and November 2012.
More information on the findings of the survey is available here.
More information on the Network of Universities of the Western Atlantic (RUOA) is available on the RUOA website.
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