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30 novembre 2019

Do older Leave voters get gradually replaced by younger Remain voters, such as students and recent graduates?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"There have been lots of analyses of the importance or otherwise of the student vote since the general election date was fixed for 12 December. You can find some of our commentary here and here. More...
30 novembre 2019

Can Edtech help with student wellbeing and mental health?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"Worries about students’ mental health and wellbeing are seldom far from the news and the higher education sector is taking seriously what seems to be a spiralling increase in low wellbeing and poor mental health. Now, three universities are piloting a technology-driven approach to tackling the problem. More...
30 novembre 2019

Book review: Taking Up Space

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"There is a fairly clear consensus in higher education that we have a lot of work to do to tackle racial inequality. Students from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups (a controversial classification in its own right) have poorer experiences at university than White students. Numbers of Black academics are startlingly low. Hate crimes are still taking place on campus, with a recent report from Universities UK highlighting that not enough work has taken place to tackle racial harassment since it last reported in 2016. More...
30 novembre 2019

More thoughts on the student vote (and pricking some of the nonsense)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"Since the House of Commons agreed to an election on 12 December, there has been lots of interest in the student vote. More...
30 novembre 2019

Why do so many UK students live away from home and why does it matter?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"The paper considers the Medieval origins of the residential university, its spread after the Second World War and the policy consequences for taxpayers, students and institutions. It also raises questions for the future. More...
30 novembre 2019

New polling suggests many students will vote tactically over Brexit

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"Elections are generally characterised by uncertainties but some things are certain.
We wouldn’t be having this election if it weren’t for Brexit. The Prime Minister wants the election to be about Brexit, and the opposition parties agreed to an election because of Brexit. The Brexit Party’s announcement that they will stand in hundreds of seats ensured the early days of campaigning have dwelt on Brexit.
So here, for the first time, HEPI reveals the latest polling on students’ views towards Brexit and how this could affect the general election, which have been provided exclusively to us by the specialist polling company YouthSight. More...
30 novembre 2019

HEPI Election Briefing: How and why this election matters for students, staff and higher education institutions

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"The Higher Education Policy Institute ( has issued an Election Briefing document, which discusses and summarises five higher education issues that are linked to the 2019 general election. More...

30 novembre 2019

Are we doing enough to develop creativity in students?

eCampus NewsA new report takes stock of what seems to be a growing lack of creativity and other employability skills in today's evolving workforce. More...

30 novembre 2019

5G brings new capabilities to the University of Miami

eCampus NewsThe University of Miami will be the first college campus in the United States to adopt AT&T’s 5G+ service and Edge technology. More...

30 novembre 2019

Are you teaching the way you were taught?

eCampus NewsAs academics, we tend to model our teaching style on the way we were taught. In some courses this works well, but in other courses it may not. Learning how to teach the students we have and not the students we want can be an eye opener. More...

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