The Finnish education system is built on the principle of lifelong learning so as to provide opportunities for further study for people of all ages and with any previous level of education. Both certificate-oriented and non-certificate-oriented forms of education and training are available for adults. Some of these include education and training specifically for adults leading to initial qualifications, whereas others cover additional and continuing education and training.
Higher education comprises polytechnics and universities. The former are experts in working life and its development, whereas universities focus on scientific research and education based on such research.
Universities also provide specialisation studies to complement the degree system and promote professional development. Universities offer other forms of continuing education, which are usually implemented by continuing education centres operating in conjunction with them.
Open University studies are open to all participants irrespective of their educational background. Subject to certain conditions, Open University students are also entitled to apply for full-degree studies.
Labour market training is part of active labour policy and is divided into 2 main parts: vocational training, and career guidance and preparatory training. The former develops the vocational skills of participants and about half of provision leads to a formal educational qualification. Certificate-oriented studies provided as labour market training include training for initial, further or specialist vocational qualifications and, subject to certain conditions, upper secondary school studies and education leading to polytechnic and university degrees. The objective of career guidance and preparatory training is to find appropriate employment and educational options for each individual.
In-service training is promoted both in legislation and through general incomes policy agreements. The law encourages the use of in-service training in situations where an enterprise’s production structure changes so that staff competences no longer match the enterprise’s operational models. The Act on Co-operation within Undertakings requires enterprises with at least 30 employees to draw up annual training plans and to update them where the number of employees is reduced due to lower production.
While participation in CVET may be individually motivated, most participants will receive funding subsidies from the state, municipalities or employers.
Suomen koulutusjärjestelmä on perustuttava elinikäisen oppimisen periaatetta, jotta tarjota edelleen opiskella kaiken ikäisille ja mahdolliset aiemmat koulutustaso.Both certificate-oriented and non-certificate-oriented forms of education and training are available for adults. Molemmat todistus suuntautunut ja ei-todistus tähtäävän koulutuksen muodoissa ja koulutusta on tarjolla aikuisille. Some of these include education and training specifically for adults leading to initial qualifications, whereas others cover additional and continuing education and training. Jotkut näistä ovat koulutus ja koulutus erityisesti aikuisille johtaa alkuperäisen pätevyyttä, kun taas toiset kattaa lisä-ja jatko-koulutukseen.