Women under-represented in universities despite quotas

By Terri Macdonald (NTEU National Office). Deakin University Honours research student Beth Turnbull is conducting research about life in Australian society as a woman with no children.
To assist in this, the project is looking for women participants who are aged between 25 and 44 years and do not have children.
For further information including links to the project's online questionnaire, please click on the flyer below.
Research project participant recruitment: Life in Australian society as a woman with no children. More...
By Kelly J. Baker - Chronicle Vitae. In January, writer and illustrator Joanna Walsh created a collection of bookmarks, each of them featuring one of her favorite female novelists or nonfiction writers, and she mailed them out to friends. The bookmarks encouraged people to make 2014 “The Year of Reading Women.”
Women read more than men, yet male authors still dominate literary journals. In an annual count, VIDA draws attention to gender inequality in publishing with pie charts demonstrating how major literary magazines are often dominated by male bylines, reviewers, and authors reviewed. See more...
Transgender Law Center praised the U.S. Department of Education for releasing guidelines yesterday that make it clear transgender and gender nonconforming students are protected from discrimination under Title IX, the federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex in schools. More...
By . The Athena SWAN charter does advance gender equality in university departments that sign up to it, according to an independent review of the scheme. The study of more than 40 departments found that the initiative, which promotes good employment practices for women in science, had a positive impact on changing the culture and attitudes in those that took part compared with those that did not. More...
An der britischen Elite-Uni Oxford beenden Studenten ihr Studium wesentlich häufiger mit Bestnoten als Studentinnen, zeigt eine neue Statistik. Manch einer vermutet, es liegt an der Ausbildung - zu maskulin und streitlustig.
Hat die ehrwürdige britische Eliteuniversität Oxford ein Frauenproblem? Eine neue Statistik lässt das vermuten. Demnach haben im vergangenen Jahr - wieder einmal - deutlich mehr Männer als Frauen ihr Bachelor-Studium mit Auszeichnung beendet. Während Studentinnen das mit der "maskulinen" Struktur zu begründen versuchen, sagte ein Uni-Sprecher der Studentenzeitung "The Oxford Student": Die Causa sei sehr komplex, den einen Grund für das schlechtere Abschneiden gebe es nicht. Mehr...
By Chris Hassan. In a recent economic news release, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shared a summary of the usual weekly earnings of 104.3 million full-time wage and salary workers for the first quarter of 2014. The data revealed two important takeaways. First, that higher education continues to influence people's salaries, and second, that the gender pay gap is still a very real problem. Read more...
Faire évoluer les mentalités sur les métiers industriels, attirer des talents féminins, élargir les choix d'orientation ou de reconversion des femmes, mieux prendre conscience du potentiel d'emplois industriels technologiques du pays de Quimperlé, tels étaient les objectifs de la table-ronde organisée le 16 avril, pour un public féminin en recherche d'emploi ou en reconversion professionnelle, par Pôle emploi.
Une quinzaine de femmes, âgées de 30 à 50 ans et venant d'horizons divers (banque, aide à la personne, milieu artistique...) a participé à cette matinée d'échanges. Elles ont pu entendre les témoignages d'une salariée et d'un cadre de l'entreprise Guelt et d'un responsable d'un organisme de formation. Suite...