New ways to tackle gender bias in physics

Dalhousie University revealed Monday that it had suspended from clinical activities 13 male dentistry students involved in a Facebook group that joked about chloroforming female students to have sex with them, among other comments, The Globe and Mail reported. The students' behavior first drew attention last month, but at the time the Canadian university's president said the students would not be suspended but would be required to attend face-to-face mediation with the women they were accused of harassing. Read more...
By Colleen Flaherty. You can’t argue with hard data about gender bias in science. Except that lots of people do, especially men in online comments about research on the topic. That’s the major finding of a study published today in Psychology of Women Quarterly – that men are much more likely than women to reject findings of sexism in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), and even to make sexist comments in response to such research. Read more...
By Jake New. In her 16 years as the head women’s hockey coach at the University of Minnesota at Duluth, Shannon Miller has won five national championships. Miller, a former coach for the Canadian Olympic team, is the fourth winningest college women’s hockey coach in Division I. Read more...
By Scott Jaschik. An article (abstract available here) in this month's PS: Political Science & Politics suggests that some female professors may be putting themselves at a disadvantage by ... being good teachers. The article is based on a survey of 600 political science faculty members who were asked if they had ever been honored for their teaching. Just over one-third (34.5 percent) of the faculty members had received such an honor. Read more...
By Rebecca Ratcliffe and Claire Shaw. Philosophy stands out among the humanities: it’s one of the few subject areas where women are vastly outnumbered by men.
Although male and female students take philosophy undergraduate courses in almost equal numbers, the number of women who pursue a career in philosophy is much lower. A recent report by the Equality Challenge Unit found that, among non-Stem (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects, philosophy is one of the most male-dominated, with men accounting for 71.2% of the profession. More...
A l’occasion du passage à Perpignan du « Train de la nouvelle France industrielle », retour sur la convention de partenariat régionale ERDF et Pôle emploi visant à renforcer les coopérations sur la formation, l’emploi et la lutte contre les discriminations dans le secteur. Voir l'article...
By Katherine Aidala. I am a five-foot-tall female physicist. You hear a lot about the challenges facing women in physics. These are real, and the percentage of physics bachelor’s degrees earned by women has stagnated at just over 20 percent for more than a decade. Being a woman in physics can be hard, but being a short physicist seems even harder to me. Read more...
Par Sandrine Damie. Dans le cadre de la semaine de l’égalité pro (du 10 au 17 octobre dernier), Pascale Boistard, secrétaire d’Etat chargée des droits des femmes, a présenté l’édition 2014 du palmarès de la féminisation des entreprises. Voir l'article...