Should female faculty get bonus points to correct for gender bias in student evaluations?
The growing gender imbalance in higher ed: Where have all the boys gone?
By Murray Hunter. Higher education institutes have traditionally been dominated by men over the centuries. However since the 1970s there has been a big shift in the gender balance, reaching a tipping point in the 1990s when women began to outnumber men in university enrollments. This is not just the case in the EU, US, and Australia. Many countries in Asia like Brunei, China, Burma (Myanmar), Hong Kong, and the Philippines also show this trend, with Malaysia and Thailand being extreme cases in this region. More...
York University’s sexual assault policy sparks human-rights complaint

Indigenous ceremony at University of Winnipeg sparks sexism debate

U of S houses one of the largest LGBT archives in the country

Retired University of Saskatchewan librarian Neil Richards has made it his life's work to create a collection of LGBT history and life. The result is one of the largest collections of gay and lesbian related archives in the country. Read more...
Program to train female Saudi online teachers
Higher Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. The National Center for e-Learning and Distance Education has come up with a comprehensive e-learning program to prepare Saudi female graduates as faculty members and institutional administrators for the development of online education in the Kingdom. More...
The Need to Foster Creativity and Digital Inclusion among Women Users in Developing Context
Higher Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. This paper provides a literature review aiming to discuss the need for fostering creativity and digital inclusion among women students in developing contexts by addressing the second order digital divide in online skills. More...
After Obergefell
By Julia K. Stronks. In June, the Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges said that all states must recognize the fundamental right of marriage for both straight and gay and lesbian couples. Though the decision was cause for rejoicing among many, myself included, it has raised concerns for faith-based colleges and universities that define themselves according to worldviews that reject homosexuality. Read more...