By Terri Macdonald. Female representation in the Coalition party room has plummeted, with only 13 women on the Government's benches (compared to 63 men), the lowest level since Paul Keating won the job of Prime Minister in 1993, some 23 years ago. More...
9e Conférence européenne sur l'égalité femmes-hommes dans l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche Paris 12 au 14 septembre 2016
Le programme de la 9e Conférence sur l'égalité femmes-hommes (en français)
Le programme de la 9e Conférence sur l'égalité femmes-hommes (en anglais). Voir l'article...
Taux d'emploi des femmes : quels liens avec la situation de couple au fil des générations ?
La hausse importante des taux d’emploi des femmes s’est accompagnée d’un renversement des situations respectives des femmes en couple et des femmes seules. Les femmes en couple, nées avant les années 1960, sont moins souvent en emploi que les femmes seules. Cette situation opposée à celle des hommes rend compte de la spécificité des comportements d’activité des femmes, qui lient vie professionnelle et vie familiale, et affecte leur progression sur le marché du travail. Voir l'article...
Fondation Face : publication d'un guide sur la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes destiné aux entreprises
A l'occasion d'une journée consacrée au combat des violences faites aux femmes le 4 juillet, la Fondation Agir a présenté un guide pour les entreprises « Agir contre les violences faites aux femmes » : Il vise à outiller les entreprises qui souhaitent s’investir dans la lutte contre les violences perpétrées en dehors du lieu de travail. Voir l'article...
Higher Education Institutions Will Risk Funding Penalties if They Fail to Address Gender Inequality
Higher education institutions will risk funding being withheld if they fail to address gender inequality in the coming years.
That’s one of the outcomes of a report published today (27.06.16) on gender equality in higher education. The report was compiled by the Expert Group commissioned by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) to undertake a national review of gender equality in higher education institutions. More...
Closing the Economic Gender Gap: Learning from the Gender Parity Task Forces
In the 10 years since the World Economic Forum began measuring the economic gender gap it has narrowed by only 3% globally. In addition to the individual actions of employers and governments to address these gaps, public-private dialogue and collaboration are critical. To accelerate the pace of change, the Forum launched Gender Parity Task Forces in Mexico, Turkey and Japan in 2012. A further task force followed in 2014 in the Republic of Korea. The task forces have sought to generate collaborations between public and private sector stakeholders by examining barriers to female economic participation and progress, exploring and implementing solutions, and providing a neutral platform for continued dialogue and action in each country. This report sets out the experiences of each Taskforce and highlights examples of impact. The report also sets out key lessons learned from these pilot projects and makes recommendations for scaling this model in partnership. More...
College Choice releases comprehensive resource and ranking for women in college
College Choice has published a ranking aimed to aid women in discerning where to attend college. More...
Listening to 21st-Century Feminism
By Raymonda Burgman. As an institutional leader who is trying to discern what women students need and to promote conversations about feminism on your campus, what should you do? Raymonda Burgman provides some guidance. Read more...
A Letter to My Pretransition Self
By Seth. As a trans man who teaches courses on feminism, gender and women, there is a noticeable difference in how you approach the material, writes Seth. Read more...
Gender Transitions in Academe, Part I
By Rachel McKinnon. In this and future essays, I will offer advice on how faculty and staff members, departmental leaders, and senior administrators can handle the gender transition of an undergraduate or graduate student, staff member, or faculty member so that it can be as smooth as possible for everyone involved. Read more...