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17 septembre 2016

Male/female inequalities in professional integration of Masters graduates - Information note n°6 - september 2016

On leaving university, there are more female than male Masters graduates. The professional integration rate, 30 months after graduating, is similar between men and women. However, women experience less favourable employment conditions than their male counterparts. Male/female inequalities in professional integration of Masters graduates. Voir l'article...

14 septembre 2016

Taux d’emploi des femmes et situation de couple : quels liens ?

Les femmes en couple nées avant les années 1960 sont moins souvent en emploi que les femmes seules. La situation s’inverse pour les générations suivantes. Voir l'article...

11 septembre 2016

Gender pay gap persists, even in universities

By Andrew MacDonald. Equal Pay Day (8 September) is a timely reminder of the need for meaningful action to address the gender equity gap which also persists in Australian universities, says the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU). More...

11 septembre 2016

Gender equity gap persists in higher education, says union

By Andrew MacDonald. Despite over a century of women enrolling in higher education and more women graduating than ever before, gender equity is still out of reach at Australia’s universities, according to the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU). More...

7 septembre 2016

Is Higher Ed Moving the Needle on Women Presidents? to ACE’s 2012 American College President Study, only 26 percent of college presidents were women as of 2011. That means the needle has been moved just three percentage points since 2006. And because the total number of minority presidents hasn’t grown substantially either, the proportion of all presidencies held by minority women also remains low. More...

7 septembre 2016

LGBTQ Talent and Institutional Success is Pride Month. All across the country, advocates for diversity and inclusion on our campuses are recognizing that the principles which underlie those fundamental goals of higher education are not only right, but they are also essential to help assure long-term success for all institutions. More...

7 septembre 2016

Men Continue to Outnumber Women on College Governing Boards, Other Areas, Pathways, and Institutional Leadership: An Update on the Status of Women in Higher Education,” a new infobrief by ACE’s Center for Policy Research and Strategy and ACE’s Division of Leadership Programs, found that men outnumbered women on both public and independent governing boards by more than two to one, according to preliminary data. More...

31 août 2016

ACE Regional Women’s Leadership Forum Helps Put Ideas Into Practice, Grow the Pipeline

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Mid-level women administrators (typically department chairs, directors and assistant/associate deans) who aspire to advance in higher education administration should register promptly for ACE’s Regional Women’s Leadership Forum before the Aug. 23 early bird deadline. More...

31 août 2016

The invisible labor of women’s studies

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Only fools pay for their champagne at Oxford. As a women’s-studies graduate student at the British university, I could always count on my professors stocking a bottle or two of bubbly in their offices, happily pouring me a glass whenever I walked in. More...
31 août 2016

New Mexico community college to vote on transgender policy update

University Business LogoSubmitted by Matt Zalaznick. An update to San Juan College’s nondiscrimination policy that includes support for transgender and gender nonconforming students will be considered for approval during the college board's meeting Tuesday night. More...

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