Spelman College to consider admitting transgender students

A recent working paper finds that men are far more likely than women to back up their arguments with appeals to a higher authority: themselves.
When an academic writes a research paper, it is common practice to give citations for various facts and assertions. It is not enough, for instance, to simply assert that “the global rise of the hyperdiverse ant genus Pheidole is an evolutionary epic with many subplots.”
You need to cite biologist Corrie S. Moreau’s 2008 paper on “Unraveling the evolutionary history of the hyperdiverse ant genus Pheidole” to make that argument. More...
By Ellie Bothwell. Just 17 per cent of the world’s top 200 universities are led by a woman, according to an analysis of Times Higher Education World University Rankings data.
Only 33 of the top 200 universities in the 2015-16 ranking are female-led and two women hold acting leader positions. More...
A University of Waterloo study has found there is a wage gap between male and female faculty members. It’s done the right thing by giving female professors a raise, but the wrong thing in not making it retroactive and not researching the root causes of the gap. More...
By Helen Pike. U of C fitness change rooms are assigned as female or male with no private change areas for families or individuals who don't identify with either gender.
Motivation to hit the gym can be hard enough, and we often find excuses not to go. For some it’s time, for others it can be exhaustion from the day to day – but for the University of Calgary’s queer population it’s the change facilities. More...
By Don Butler. Eight years after graduating with university bachelor degrees in 2005, males were earning $27,300 more on average than females who graduated at the same time with the same degrees, says a comprehensive new study. More...
By Camille Bains. Gay, lesbian and bisexual youth are continuing to purge, fast or take diet pills to lose weight while rates for such behaviour among heterosexuals have decreased, a University of British Columbia study says.
The study said that in 2013, lesbians were twice as likely to report purging and fasting than they were in 1999. For that year, the prevalence of purging among bisexual girls, at 33 per cent, was higher than for lesbians, at 22 per cent, but stayed nearly the same in 2013, when it jumped to 36 per cent for lesbians girls. More...
By . If your only contact with the university system is what you see reported in certain media, you have probably been doing a lot of headshaking about campus life. Controversial speakers are being disinvited; students are avoiding lectures on challenging topics, in fear of trauma; and they are refusing to read the poetry of dead white men. More...
Par . La non-mixité dans l’enseignement supérieur atteint des proportions alarmantes, comme le montrent les chiffres froids et cruels des statistiques officielles. Et la forte sous-représentation des enfants d’ouvriers et la sur-représentation des enfants de cadres constatées sont encore renforcées dans les formations sélectives ou longues (CPGE, grandes écoles, Master universitaires). Voir l'article...
By . On July 1, Elizabeth Garrett assumed the presidency of Cornell University.
With this, half of the eight-member Ivy League schools now have female presidents. Garrett joins an illustrious group: Christina Paxson (Brown University), Drew Faust (Harvard University) and Amy Gutmann (University of Pennsylvania).
But what about colleges and universities outside the Ivy League. More...