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28 août 2016

Will religious freedom laws disrupt higher education for LGBTQ students?

The ConversationBy . Recent attempts that could allow for discrimination in state laws, such as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), signed by Governor Mike Pence of Indiana, have raised concerns about the safety of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) students on campus. More...

28 août 2016

Closing the computer science gender gap: how one woman is making a difference in many lives

The ConversationBy . I’ve been passionate about increasing women’s participation in computer science for more than 25 years. While the number of undergraduate women pursuing some STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) fields like biology and chemistry has steadily increased over the past couple of decades, women’s participation in computer science (CS) has actually been declining. More...

27 août 2016

For transgender students, a divided pool of college options

The ConversationBy . College hostilities impose high risks with tragic consequences. Suicide, depression and drug abuse are much more prevalent among transgender students because of the discrimination they experience. More...

27 août 2016

Male graduates earn more than female graduates: study

The ConversationBy . Male university graduates earn more than their female counterparts and the pay gap will likely increase with the more time spent in the workforce, according to new research. More...

25 août 2016

Federal Interpretation -- or Legislation?

HomeBy Doug Lederman. Federal court ruling on Obama administration guidance on use of school facilities by transgender students could clear the way for a challenge to the Education Department's 2011 letter on campus sexual assault. Read more...

24 août 2016

The Centrality of Dual Career for Recruiting Women

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Study: female academics more likely than male partners to turn down good academic jobs without a good opportunity for male partner -- even when a woman has more stature in academe than her partner does. Read more...

24 août 2016

New Mexico State Sued Over Pay for Female Coach

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. The U.S. Justice Department on Thursday announced that it was suing New Mexico State University for paying a female assistant track coach less than male assistant track coaches. The suite was filed under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bars discrimination in employment. Read more...

23 août 2016

Coalition Application on Gender, Criminal Records

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. The Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success -- a group of dozens of leading colleges and universities -- has released its first application form. Read more...

22 août 2016

VIVEA - Agir pour l’égalité d’accès à la formation professionnelle : des vidéos pour agir

Les femmes représentent un tiers des contributeurs de VIVEA et un quart des chefs d’entreprise agricole. De plus en plus de femmes s’installent en agriculture, seules ou sous forme sociétaire. Pour la réussite de leur projet professionnel et de leur entreprise, pour faciliter leur reconnaissance et l’articulation entre les différents temps de vie, l’acquisition de compétences est souvent un facteur clés de succès. Elles doivent pouvoir être solidement accompagnées notamment par la formation. C’est pourquoi VIVEA s’est fortement engagé depuis plusieurs années pour un meilleur accès à la formation de ses contributrices. Voir l'article...

21 août 2016

OMPL - Le secteur juridique - Un secteur propice à l’emploi féminin

Retour accueil85 % des emplois du secteur sont occupés par des femmes. Mais la proportion d’emplois féminins varie d’une branche à l’autre. Voir l'article...

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