Trading Places
Susan West Engelkemeyer sees walking a day in a student's shoes as part of her continuing education as a college president. More...
A Job Doesn't Have to Be for Life
No matter what move you are making, there will always be opportunities to change the direction of your career path if you need to, writes Joseph Barber. More...
Seconde partie de carrière : consolider vos expertises (1/2)
Vos études sont loin derrière mais vous avez toujours soif de connaissances ? Vous êtes fier du chemin parcouru depuis vos débuts ? Différents dispositifs vous permettent de continuer à vous former et de consolider l’expérience que vous avez accumulée au cours de votre vie professionnelle. Explications. Plus...
Vous avez plus de 35 ans ? Grâce à Reactivate Boost Your Mobility, donnez un nouvel élan à votre carrière
Le programme Reactivate Boost Your Mobility permet aux demandeurs d’emploi de plus de 35 ans de travailler dans un pays européen partenaire. Il prend en charge vos déplacements pour les entretiens préalables et vous permet de bénéficier d’aides pour vous installer dans le pays ou suivre des cours de langue. Plus...
Exploring Alternative Academic Careers
While more and more faculty are recognizing the value of “alt-ac” careers for graduate students, most academic departments aren’t well-equipped to help students explore and pursue these careers. More...
Gaining Influence in Your Career
In academe, we’re uncomfortable talking about how to gain influence, yet we spend much of our career learning the hard way that we can’t be very effective without it, argue Marie A. Cini and Craig Weidemann. More...
Innovative Teachers for Tomorrow’s Careers
Our nation needs strong teachers in every math and science classroom, writes E. Gordon Gee, but too few STEM experts choose to apply their talents to this important career path. More...
Will You Read My Cover Letter?
The email message came with the draft cover letter attached. The HERS alumna sending the request asked if I’d also like to have her latest CV. Yes, I replied -- and send the leadership profile you used in drafting this. More...
Surviving Institutional Racism in Academe
Readers, I will be honest with you: when I accepted my first tenure-track position, I was excited to formally join the academy. I naïvely assumed the bubble of academe would insulate me from, well, everything. I raced toward my Ph.D. in search of social protection, professional stability and financial freedom. Instead, I found early-career emotional, physical and mental exhaustion. More...