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13 octobre 2017


HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Colleges face scrutiny -- from would-be students, their parents and politicians -- over whether they are preparing students for careers. More...

10 octobre 2017

Losing Tenure Bids to a Budget

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Stony Brook professors worry their budget is being balanced on the backs of junior faculty colleagues and programs in the humanities, risking curricular breadth and institutional integrity. More...

10 octobre 2017

Rejecting Academe

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. As science and engineering Ph.D. students progress through their programs, many lose interest in academic careers, report finds. Study's authors say findings suggest changes are needed in Ph.D. training. More...

10 octobre 2017

Nuanced findings on study abroad influence on careers

By Mary Beth Marklein. The findings of a study on the impact of studying abroad on workplace success for United States alumni reveal key skills gains and the data may help international educators better design programmes that prepare students for their first job interview and beyond. More...
8 octobre 2017

Mapping Your Posttenure Possibilities

HomeYou will have the greatest impact, influence and joy if your path emerges from deep self-understanding, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore, who describes how to make such possibility mapping concrete. More...

8 octobre 2017

Truths to be Told: The First Job

HomeIn my last post I focused on my time in graduate school at the University of California at Los Angeles and the transition to my first job. Some people might say I was lucky to get a tenure-track job straight out of grad school at a top-notch program, but luck had little to do with it. More...

8 octobre 2017

How to Discuss Work-Life Balance

HomeBefore approaching the subject with your future or current supervisor, you should consider their interests, advises Stephanie K. Eberle. More...

8 octobre 2017

4 Questions to Ask Before You Co-Teach

HomeCo-teaching isn’t exactly a marriage, but doing it effectively does require addressing some key issues up front, write Claudia Holguín Mendoza and Julie M. Weise. More...

8 octobre 2017

Ad Interim: Performance

HomeServing as an acting director, chair or dean? Elizabeth H. Simmons suggests how to approach issues of symbolism and presentation as you go about your work. More...

8 octobre 2017

Ad Interim: Practice

HomeStepping up to serve as an acting director, chair or dean? Elizabeth H. Simmons offers perspective on how to approach the tasks that lie ahead. More...

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