Exerçant leurs fonctions dans des genres très différents de navigation, côtière, de cabotage national, international...ou qu'ils soient petits patrons embarqués, capitaines ou commandants de tankers, les filières de formation, leurs situations et carrières professionnelles des officiers maritimes sont très variées, d'après Céreq Bref n°368 novembre 2018. Plus...
Tenure and Misconduct
By Colleen Flaherty. Some at Michigan are asking why a famous music professor was granted tenure soon after a misconduct investigation that was later allegedly reopened. More...
We Need to Systematize Alt-Ac Career Guidance
Faculty advisers should have frank conversations with their students about long-term plans from the moment those students arrive on the campus, writes Zeb Larson. More...
A Call for Curatorial Teaching
Whenever I draft a new course or revise an old one, I ask myself which voices I tend to privilege and which ones, by neglect or ignorance, I leave out, writes Irina Popescu. More...
Teaching First-Generation Latinx Students
Alicia M. Reyes-Barriéntez offers strategies that individual professors can use to teach them effectively. More...
Is Applying For Another Job Disloyal?
Anthony Ocampo and Kerry Ann Rockquemore share the three biggest mistakes tenure-track faculty make when being recruited for new opportunities. More...
Devenir hôtesse de l'air ou steward dans l'armée de l'air

Carrières des officiers du transport maritime

S’épanouir professionnellement – Donner du sens à sa carrière
Dans un monde complexe, incertain, où les rythmes s’accélèrent, où les frontières entre vie privée et vie professionnelle se dissipent, nombreux sont ceux qui aspirent aujourd’hui à plus de sens, de liberté, d’équilibre et de développement, tant personnel que professionnel. Plus...
Fresno City College receives $1M boost to Career and Technical Education program
Right now robots are being used at Fresno City College as part of their Career and Technical Education Program also known as CTE. More...