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23 août 2014

Approaching balance in an academic life Robert Talbert. Recently, I received an accolade that not only meant a great deal to me, but also set many thoughts in motion about how I think about work. OK, this is just a Twitter mention, but it comes from a person whose own work I respect; and for me, “succeeding at research and teaching while staying human” is a pretty economical description of a successful academic career. More...

12 août 2014

Giving up . What happens when the following truths collide?

  1. All of us are multi-potentialed and have the ability to enjoy and do a variety of work.
  2. All of us face the reality that some kinds of work are easier for us to secure than others, and that some offer a better standard of living than others.
  3. And, of course, all of us face the challenge that the work we can most easily find is not necessarily the most rewarding, inherently or monetarily.

At one point or another in the job search, the collision of these truths can cause you to ask yourself whether it’s time to give up on your Plan A. More...

10 août 2014

Do the Job You Were Hired to Do

HomeBy Chuck Rybak. When I started on the tenure track, I was highly susceptible to bad advice because I simply didn't have enough knowledge and understanding of the complicated structures I was working in. There is a lot of bad advice out there for tenure-track faculty, much of it coming from people who think they understand a person's assigned professional duties better than the job-holders themselves. Sure, there are times when this may be true, but these instances are few. More importantly, bad advice can get people fired or denied tenure. Read more...

9 août 2014

Graduate students and their futures - “Career: The ground on which a race is run, a racecourse.” Alan MacEachern. This Fall I begin my second year as graduate chair. You would think that, having directed a master’s program earlier in my career, I would have known better than to volunteer for the job. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun to be back in grad school, an environment which at its best is like Harry Potter meets The Newsroom: idealistic, impassioned, articulate. (And which at its worst is like Harry Potter meets The Newsroom: self-righteous, dorky.) More...

4 août 2014

Predictors of depression, stress, and anxiety among non-tenure track faculty

By Gretchen M. Reevy and Grace Deason. Nationwide in the United States, 70% of faculty members in higher education are employed off the tenure-track. Nearly all of these non-tenure-track (NTT) appointments share a quality that may produce stress for those who hold them: contingency. Most NTT appointments are contingent on budget, enrollment, or both, and the majority of contingent faculty members are hired for one quarter or semester at a time. More...

4 août 2014

Tools for Transitions: Settling In . In my last few posts, I’ve been blogging about the process of an academic move, from finding a new place to leaving my old campus and packing up. I’m now at a stage far less defined, perhaps because it is the first step without a deadline: trying to settle in to a new state, new home, new job, and new life. More...

27 juillet 2014

How travel can help your career

The Ottawa Citizen logoBy Michael Smolander. Mark Twain once elegantly wrote that “nothing so liberalizes” and deepens one’s insights “as travel and contact with many kinds of people.”
This idea was echoed in Nicholas Kristof’s recent column for the New York Times when he argued that young people should travel and study abroad to “engage with the world” and “broaden horizons.” While the intellectual benefits of going abroad are well known, the financial returns that make studying abroad worthwhile are less acknowledged. More...

12 juillet 2014

It's alright to change career direction at postgraduate level

The Guardian homeBy . It's not the end of the world if you change direction at the end of your undergraduate degree. We all know people who have had their career paths mapped out since they were 10 years old. They're the medics, lawyers and engineers with a pre-determined path through education and into a job. More...

9 juillet 2014

Bifurcations professionnelles en début de carrière

Quand l'improbable se réalise : le cas des bifurcations professionnelles en début de carrièreQuand l'improbable se réalise : le cas des bifurcations professionnelles en début de carrière
Arnaud Dupray, Dominique Epiphane
Net.Doc , n° 215 , 2014 , 40 p.
La reconversion n’attend pas toujours le nombre des années… Pour compenser  un parcours scolaire abandonné trop tôt, pour raisons de santé, pour rompre avec une situation professionnelle non satisfaisante, certains jeunes bifurquent dès les premières années de leur vie active. Souvent accompagnées de formation, ces réorientations « radicales » s’avèrent dans de nombreux cas très positives pour les individus.
Les données sont fournies par les quatre vagues d’interrogation de l’enquête Génération 98, réalisées entre 2001 et 2008.
Télécharger la publication.

9 juillet 2014

Les bifurcations professionnelles en début de carrière

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Un document du Céreq interroge les cas de bifurcation précoce dans la vie professionnelle. Pour compenser un parcours scolaire abandonné trop tôt, pour raisons de santé ou pour rompre avec une situation professionnelle non satisfaisante, certains jeunes bifurquent dès les premières années de leur vie active. Souvent accompagnées de formation, ces changements d'univers professionnel s'avèrent dans de nombreux cas très positives pour les individus. Les données sont fournies par les quatre vagues d'interrogation de l'enquête Génération 98, réalisées entre 2001 et 2008.
Consulter le Net.Doc 125 de juin 2014. Voir l'article...

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