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9 mai 2018

Is tenure dying? Does it matter?

University Business Magazine logoThe proportion of America’s college students taught by tenured professors has steadily shrunk over the years. As indicated in this space previously, tenured faculty are relatively expensive so college administrators facing financial pressure are increasing the proportion of teaching done by lower priced substitutes- non-tenure-track adjunct faculty, part-time instructors, even retired professors filling in on a temporary basis. More...

6 mai 2018

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Negotiating Your Job Offer

HomeYou networked, you prepared, you aced one interview after the other and -- finally -- the hiring manager tells you that you are the one they want! You’re so excited, but this nagging feeling suddenly appears once you realized you should probably now negotiate. More...

6 mai 2018

Why Are We Meeting Like This?

HomeMeetings among colleagues are commonplace in every organization. Academe is no exception. We have meetings for our specific schools, departments and units, not to mention the additional task forces, subcommittees, working groups, teams, ad-hoc groups, councils or advisory panels -- with each designed to help us serve the institution. More...

28 avril 2018

Après votre Licence ou votre Master déployez vos ailes avec une première expérience professionnelle : devenez aviateur

Logo EtoileL'armée de l'air cherche de jeunes cadres, avec ou sans expérience professionnelle, pour occuper des postes à responsabilités dans les domaines de la communication, la conduite de projet, l’enseignement, l’informatique, l’infrastructure, la logistique, les marchés publics, la mécanique, l’observation spatiale, les opérations aériennes, la maitrise des risques, les relations internationales, le renseignement, les ressources humaines et la sécurité-protection. Plus...
27 avril 2018

Choix de carrière éclairé et succès professionnel

logoLes phénomènes de baisse de diplômation, de décrochage, de changement de programme à répétition sont mis en évidence dans les statistiques des institutions collégiales et universitaires. Plus...

24 avril 2018

Changing student priorities in the journey from classroom to career

University Business Magazine logoLike many schools across the nation, the College of Southern Idaho is weighing options for offering gender neutral restrooms. More...

22 avril 2018

Thinking About Dual Academic Jobs as a Single Academic Career

By Joshua Kim. Are you also one-half of a dual-career academic couple? How do you do it. More...

20 avril 2018

Tenure Under Threat in Kentucky

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Late addition to budget bill would allow dismissal of tenured professors due to program changes or eliminations, ending protections previously adopted by college boards. Move comes as tenure rights are eroding elsewhere. More...

19 avril 2018

Telling Your Tenure Story

HomeIn his essay “Tenure at Small Colleges,” Alan Hughes describes how small liberal arts colleges emphasize the role of community, or fit, as an area for faculty evaluation, in addition to varying research, teaching and service requirements. More...

19 avril 2018

Teamwork That Works

HomeAssigning group work is a good teaching strategy, right? Research shows that by working together in small groups, students can develop critical thinking skills, exchange knowledge, share expertise, increase motivation and improve their attitudes toward learning. More...

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