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10 mai 2015

Professional Development on a Ph.D.'s Schedule

HomeBy Thomas Magaldi. What do my living room, the Ronald McDonald House in New Haven and the New York City subway have in common? They are all places where I have conducted professional development on a tight schedule. Professional development is the process of developing skills and gaining experience that will help advance your career. Read more...

28 avril 2015

Studie über Uni-Karrieren: Den Job bekommt die Frau

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon . Für Karrieren im Universitätsbetrieb scheint es eine Regel zu geben: Je weiter es nach oben geht, umso weniger Frauen finden sich dort. In Deutschland waren rund die Hälfte der Hochschulabsolventen weiblich, bei den Promotionen betrug der Frauenanteil nur noch 45 Prozent. Nicht einmal jede dritte Habilitation wird von einer Frau verfasst. 80 Prozent aller Professorenposten haben Männer inne. Mehr...

27 avril 2015

ACT's New Model of College and Career Readiness

HomeACT on Wednesday released a paper that seeks to define workplace readiness. The nonprofit testing firm also called for a new model of college and career readiness that argues that the skills needed in those two areas, while overlapping, are distinct. Read more...

27 avril 2015

A Long-Term View of College-Educated Workers

HomeThe Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce regularly releases analyses on education and job-market trends. A new report out today looks back over decades to track some of the long-term trends -- and they reinforce the importance of higher education. Read more...

27 avril 2015

Negotiating Balance

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Work-life balance might seem like an oxymoron to overworked faculty members, but an increasing number of institutions are trying to help their professors achieve it. So what policies are valuable and how can they effectively be included in union contracts? Those were some of the questions central to a panel discussion on negotiating work-life balance here Tuesday at the annual conference of the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions at the City University of New York’s Graduate Center (the National Center is housed at CUNY’s Hunter College). Read more...

27 avril 2015

Professor Manager

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Full-time faculty members at Ohio public institutions are objecting to proposed legislation with big implications for their right to organize unions. Tucked deep into a 3,090-page budget bill pending before the state’s House Finance Committee is language that would reclassify professors who participate in virtually anything other than teaching and research as supervisors or managers, and therefore exempt from collective bargaining. So serving on a committee, for example, turns a professor into a manager. Read more...

27 avril 2015

Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien: On Changing Jobs

By Claire Potter. The other day I read a comment on Facebook to the effect that, after changing jobs, many academics experience a moment of intense regret. The author of the comment timed this moment of regret at about six months into the new job, when the losses and the difficulty of the transition becomes truly apparent. More...

26 avril 2015

How happy are you in your university job? Take our survey annual staff experience survey guides us on the key issues affecting academic and non-academic staff in UK universities.
Take our survey. More...

26 avril 2015

If you're 'only a teacher', don't expect to be treated fairly by a business school . At my university business school, around 90% of revenue comes from teaching, yet we’re kept off the payroll and undermined by other staff. More...

26 avril 2015

La gestion prévisionnelle de l'inaptitude : politique RH d'anticipation des secondes parties de carrière

09 juin 2015
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Cette journée sera l'occasion d'une réflexion incontournable dans le cadre de la gestion prévisionnelle des métiers et des compétences : le reclassement professionnel. Voir l'article...

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