By Scott Jaschik. Presidents whose institutions are members of the Council of Independent Colleges have been working on a project to help map the future of their institutions, which are generally small and midsize private colleges. Read more...
An MA in music should be the overture to a lifelong career

Graduate careers advisers see jobs increase
By Natasha Turner. Labour market survey takes vacancies at small and medium-sized companies into account. More...
Are good-looking men predestined to do well in academic careers?
By Sun Young Lee. In a paper published in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, I and my co-authors examined the impact of job candidates’ physical attractiveness and decision-makers’ self-interested motives in selection, through four experiments. More...
Tenure or Bust
By Colleen Flaherty. Faculty members in the University of Wisconsin System objected in droves this fall to a survey of their views on tenure, which some said was poorly designed and funded by a think tank that’s taken conservative stances on various state issues. Read more...
Early career researchers: the difficulty of saying ‘no’ as a newbie
By Richard Budd. Juggling multiple departmental roles on top of teaching and research can leave new lecturers feeling ‘punch-drunk’, explains new appointee Richard Budd. More...
Emploi : le début de carrière des diplômés de l’enseignement supérieur (2010-2013)
Quelles sont les conditions d’insertion professionnelle des jeunes trois ans après leur sortie de l’enseignement supérieur ? C’est une des questions auxquelles répond l’édition 2015 de "L’état des lieux de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche en France".
En 2013, les conditions d’insertion des jeunes sortis de l’enseignement supérieur en 2010 sont très disparates suivant le niveau atteint mais également suivant la filière et la spécialité de formation. Ces différences se sont accentuées depuis la crise économique de 2008. Voir l'article...
Les débuts de carrière des jeunes issus de l'immigration
Yaël Brinbaum, Sabina Issehnane
Bref , n° 341 , 2015 , 4 p.
Les jeunes issus de l’immigration maghrébine ont plus de difficultés pour accéder à l’emploi que les Français d’origine. Une fois qu’ils y parviennent, ils occupent des emplois de moins bonne qualité et semblent pâtir d’une pénalité liée à leurs origines qui, aggravée par la crise économique, ne s’atténue pas avec le temps.
Advance Your Career As a Web Developer With Udacity and Google
Higher Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Enrollment opens today for Udacity’s latest nanodegree. If you want to get hired as a Senior Web Developer, join the first cohort of students to follow a curriculum devised in conjunction with Google. More...
Higher ed officials seek to make math courses relevant to careers
By Stefanie Botelho. Oklahoma higher education officials are taking a new approach to preparing students for success in mathematics and the career of their choice. More...