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26 juin 2016

Bullying in Academe

HomeBy Raymonda Burgman. Bullying behavior at your institution can result in lawsuits, high employee turnover costs, productivity declines, low morale and many other problems, writes Raymonda Burgman. Read more...

26 juin 2016

It Takes a Village

HomeBy James M. Van Wyck. To find and secure meaningful careers, A.B.D. and Ph.D. job seekers need to reach out and rely on a diverse cast of supporters, writes James M. Van Wyck. Read more...

26 juin 2016

Doubts About Career Readiness From College Seniors

HomeBy Paul Fain. Only 40 percent of college seniors say their experience in college has been very helpful in preparing them for a career, according to the results of a survey by McGraw-Hill Education. Read more...

26 juin 2016

Career Pathways: Graduation is No Longer the Endgame Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. More American students than ever are graduating from high school and going on to college or some other postsecondary education. More...

7 juin 2016

SUP : carrières moins attractives

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Courriel reçu ce 31 mai 2016. A quand la revalorisation des salaires des enseignants-chercheurs ? La réforme annoncée par Najat Vallaud-Belkacem dévalorisera le doctorat et rendra plus faible encore l’attractivité des carrières d’enseignants-chercheurs. Voir l'article...

4 juin 2016

Neue Stellen für Forscher: Mit 1000 Professuren gegen die Unsicherheit

SPIEGEL ONLINEViele promovierte Wissenschaftler sind jahrelang befristet angestellt - ohne zu wissen, ob sie jemals eine Professur erhalten. Ein neues Förderprogramm soll Abhilfe schaffen. Mehr...

4 juin 2016

Universitas 21 - Early Career Researcher Workshops

The Early Career Researcher workshops are the genesis of the Research Leaders' Group, which  strives to use the U21 network for the benefit of U21's young researchers.  

Each workshop's main aim is to encourage international networking, but also tackles career developmental topics such as grantmanship and journal editing. More...

31 mai 2016

Aligning career and tech ed efforts

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. Technical education advocates are encouraging Congress to better align programs and efforts under both job training and education laws to help employers find the skilled workers they need. More...

30 mai 2016

As a research fellow, should I move universities to get job security? Jeremy. I love my current position but it does not offer automatic tenure after my fellowship ends. More...

29 mai 2016

Réforme des carrières et de la formation des agents publics mesures sont mises en oeuvre pour revaloriser les rémunérations des fonctionnaires depuis 2014 et la mise en œuvre du protocole de revalorisation des carrières et des rémunérations va se traduire dans les quatre prochaines années par de nouvelles grilles revalorisées et mieux adaptées à l’évolution des métiers et à l’allongement des carrières. Voir l'article...

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