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24 mars 2018

Getting Ready to Leave Academe

HomeGreta Perel offers some first steps for those thinking about alternative careers. More...

24 mars 2018

Succeeding From Day 1

HomeCongratulations! You’ve been successful and landed a good job. I’m sure that process was filled with many tasks and lots of persistence, plus a fair amount of anxiety. Getting that job offer is a great milestone. It is, however, only your first milestone. This job will hopefully be a good fit for you and end in multiple years of success. More...

24 mars 2018

How Healthy Is Your Academic Department?

HomeNicholas C. Burbules, C. K. Gunsalus, Robert A. Easter and BrandE Faupell have created a tool to help you diagnose problems in your academic unit and identify ways to improve it. More...

16 mars 2018

Career ready: Towards a national strategy for the mobilization of Canadian potential

Career ready: Towards a national strategy for the mobilization of Canadian potential
Ken Coates, Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), 2015/04/01
The core of the message is in the headlines: cut university enrolment and expand colleges. It is a shot across the bow. "Canada needs to become more effective in matching skills, training and education with workforce requirements," writes Ken Coates for the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE). More...
13 mars 2018

Les carrières des enseignants en Europe: accès, développement et encadrement (uniquement en anglais)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

L'étude comparative des politiques des carrières des enseignants à travers l'Europe couvre 43 systèmes différents. Elle fournit une analyse des différents aspects de la profession d'enseignant. Le rapport se focalise sur l'enseignement primaire et secondaire. Plus...

12 mars 2018

Germany: career without an academic degree? It can be done!

HomeSince the millennium, the ratio of first year students has almost doubled to around 60 per cent in Germany. For some time now, policy makers in education and training have been advocating the maximum possible ratio of academics, with success. Public respect for VET has fallen; increasing numbers of parents believe that it is impossible to have a career without an academic degree. However, if a career is understood as being an occupational pathway which is intellectually, financially and individually satisfying, this is incorrect. More...
6 mars 2018

Survey of America's Youth Shows Importance of Job Shadowing In Making Realistic Career Choices

Survey of America's Youth Shows Importance of Job Shadowing In Making Realistic Career Choices
In some of my articles and seminars I have talked about the way online learning will help students conduct their learning in environments outside the school. This poll, conducted for Junior Achievement, shows the usefulness of that approach. More...

5 mars 2018

College and Career Readiness; What is the Purpose of School?

College and Career Readiness; What is the Purpose of School?
Nocking The Arrow, Robert Schuetz, 2018/02/19
How reflective it is of today's society that we would think that school is something we create to serve our needs, rather than (say) where we offer our wisdom and experience to our children so that they may make the best use of it they can to lead fulfilling and rewarding lives. But no. More...

5 mars 2018

Career Perspectives of Elementary, Middle, and High School Students: Results of a Cross-Sectional Survey

Career Perspectives of Elementary, Middle, and High School Students: Results of a Cross-Sectional Survey
Karyssa Siegel, randr Blog, 2018/02/21
This is marketing for a company called randr, a job search service, but it is well done, and makes a good point. The good point is this: " Students are expected to make decisions impacting the rest of their lives at age 18, despite the fact that they have had very little exposure to the abundance of options." This has a range of undesirable impacts. More...

2 mars 2018

How the rise of Asian universities is helping people move from ‘a career for life’ to ‘a lifetime of careers’

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""In the developed economies of Asia, such as South Korea and Japan, high participation rates have been maintained. But the big story in the last decade has been the unprecedented rise in China and, to a lesser extent, India. The numbers involved are remarkable. It is estimated that, by 2020, China alone will have over 37 million students in higher education and India will have over 27 million. This is positive because many more students are having the opportunity to develop intellectually and pursue expanded career options. But it has also brought about significant challenges. More...

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