Mentorship is widely regarded as a high-impact practice in various learning environments—from hospitals to science laboratories to leadership development programs. More...
They called my university a PhD factory – now I understand why
Senior academics warned that my university cared more about cheap labour than launching academic careers. It turns out they were right. More...
Career Opportunities at the Intersection of Learning and Technology

"We are currently searching for 5 instructional designer positions at #UCF! Be a part of one of the leading digital learning institutions in the nation. And, BTW, it was 73 degrees today without a cloud in the sky. Apply for each search separately for full consideration. Hope to see you in sunny Orlando! "
Wow. 5 instructional designer searches at UCF. More...
Thinking about Non-Faculty Academic Career Paths Through a Faculty Lens

Is Gossip Grounds for Termination?
By Colleen Flaherty. Discussions about tenure votes are considered private on most campuses, but some say Dixie State is trumping up breach of confidentiality claims against two professors to get rid of them for political reasons. More...
Posttenure Review or a Plan to Undercut Tenure?
By Colleen Flaherty. Right after U of Tennessee faculty members agreed on plan to toughen oversight of tenured professors, system proposed rules many say endanger academic freedom. More...
Evolving Faculty Careers
By Doug Lederman. "Evolving Faculty Careers" is Inside Higher Ed's new print-on-demand booklet.
The compilation of articles can be downloaded, free, here. More...
Mentoring for Different Paths
If we are to help develop the leaders we need for the future, advises Judith S. White, we must mentor them for jobs that are changing. More...
Turning Good Teaching on Its Head: Part I
Among the most heartwarming experiences of my academic career has been serving on university committees. You don’t often hear a faculty member say that, but in this instance, the committees involved awards for teaching at the college and university level. More...
Smile, You’re on Camera
If you are planning to interview for a job, chances are you are going to be asked to participate in a video interview at some point in the process. More...