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1 mars 2018

University of Iowa non-tenure-track faculty rally, organize

University Business Magazine logoIOWA CITY — Although Iowa lawmakers one year ago took swift action to disempower unions, the University of Iowa’s growing number of non-tenure-track faculty are organizing with unionization in mind. More...

24 février 2018

Moneyball for Tenure? Not Until Academia Is a Team Sport John Warner. What does "winning" mean for a higher education institution. More...

21 février 2018

Trading the Tenure Track for Tech

HomeChandra Y. Osborn explains why she walked away from a position at a prestigious university to join a tech start-up -- and what she learned about academic research along the way. More...

21 février 2018

Designing Principles for Exploring Your Career

HomeIn June, several University of Michigan staff members who support students in their professional and career development in different schools and colleges across the university had the opportunity to learn the Designing Your Life curriculum from the Life Design Lab team at Stanford University. More...

21 février 2018

Are You Sabotaging Your Career Search?

HomeThe career search is a mysterious process, and as the seeker it is easy to feel as if you have no control. And the longer the search goes on without a positive outcome, the more you can feel like the system is rigged against you. More...

21 février 2018

The Hybrid Track

HomeHybrid positions offer the chance to engage in higher education roles beyond the tenure track while keeping a hand in the classroom and scholarly work, writes Rebbecca Kaplan. More...

15 février 2018

How our skills support and shape our career

How our skills support and shape our career
Steven Forth, TeamFit, 2018/01/04
To find the really interesting bit you have to read to the bottom and click on the link at the very end (or just click it here, but why skip the prequel?). Here's the scenario: "we asked a number of people at TeamFit and our sister company Ibbaka to reflect on their careers and aspirations." the result is a series of mind maps of "how one thinks about career success will shape how one thinks about skills." OK, so far as it goes. More...

2 février 2018

Learning for careers: The career pathways movement in the United States

Education & Skills TodayOver the last generation, it has become clear that something has gone awry in how the United States prepares its young people for life. In spite of millions of young people pursuing university education, fewer than one in three young Americans successfully attain a bachelor’s degree, while millions of good middle-skills jobs go begging because of our failure to build programs to equip young people with the skills and credentials to fill them. In a climate of “university for all” only 20% of young Americans enrol in career and technical education programs, the US version of Vocational Education and Training. This struck us as both a problem and an opportunity crying out for a public policy response. More...

1 février 2018

L’Université de Poitiers lance son Career Center

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "le petit economiste"Afin de favoriser l’insertion professionnelle de ses étudiants et jeunes diplômés et fluidifier la relation avec les entreprises, l’Université de Poitiers vient de lancer son Career Center en partenariat avec JobTeaser. Plus...
28 janvier 2018

UVM College of Arts and Sciences looks to eliminate non-tenured faculty positions

University Business Magazine logoThe UVM College of Arts and Sciences is considering the elimination of 25 percent of all full-time non-tenured faculty and 40 percent of part-time non-tenured faculty over the next five years, according to an internal UVM communication. More...

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