Junior Prof shares a few strategies for making an academic job search or the process of submitting a grant proposal a bit more bearable. More...
The Confessions of a Ph.D. on Life as an Admissions Counselor
Rebbecca Kaplan advises other Ph.D.s considering higher ed administration, describing how -- despite leaving the scholarly track -- she lives a modified version of the career path she originally prepared for. More...
Death by a Thousand Cuts
Michael Johnson Jr. calls on tenured and tenure-track faculty to combat an incremental erosion of faculty governance. More...
The Fear of Hugging
Most institutions take no formal position on hugging, writes Dan Subotnik, so what's one to do. More...
Tenure and the Public Sociologist
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Tenure and the Public Sociologist
Interesting article on the public sociology movement and the attitude of academia toward a discipline that works outside traditional classes and journals. Public sociologists work inside the community, doing things like, say, redesigning soup kitchens. The perspective of the article is that there must be some sort of peer review in order to assess the discipline. Academics would review portfolios consisting of "research reports prepared for non-academic groups, research on the effectiveness of policies or programs developed by the tenure candidate for community groups or government agencies, op-eds or testimony before government bodies." Review is a good thing, surely. More...
Academic Career Navigation and ‘House Hunters International’
By Joshua Kim. What do your TV-viewing habits say about your higher ed career options and choices. More...
10 Red Flags in Grant Writing
Grant writing can occupy a disproportionate amount of faculty time and energy, write Jude Mikal and Sarah Grace, who offer advice to help ensure that such time and energy are well spent. More...
Why You Should Pursue Passion Projects in Grad School
They allow you to explore your skills, gain experience and refine career goals, writes Dan Moseson, who provides advice for successfully doing so. More...
Needed: More Reading in First-Year Writing
Not asking students to read regularly is like telling them it’s OK not to explore, argues Rachel Wagner, even if it's the week their papers are due and what they read won't be analyzed in those papers. More...
When the Buck Stops With You
Crystal G. Herman offers advice on how to most effectively deal with student concerns as a midlevel faculty administrator. More...